Chapter 16

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The sound of breathing filled my room, my alarm clock read 1:00am. I opened my eyes to darkness but somebody was in my room I just knew it.

"I know you're awake" laughed a deep malicious voice. I said nothing just kept still waiting, just waiting. It started whispering in my ear and I listened as darkness took me.

Ekkia's P.O.V

I was running, running through the bush. Something was chasing me and I dodged to the right, ducking under a bush. Suddenly it grabbed my jacket and pulled me towards it digging its piercing claws through my chest.

"The game has started" it whispered while piercing my heart.

I woke up panting, my heart going 100mph and my head was ringing.

"What the heck was that about?" I whispered to myself. I checked the time on my clock it read 1:00am. Great just a few more hours to school. School I giggled remembering what happened with Mr Magarey. Yawning I closed my eyes, what a weird dream but that's all it was just a dream. I slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Isabelle's P.O.V

School, I put on a fake smile as Ekkia chatted to me about her dream. I couldn't wait until tonight. Ekkia stared at me strangely.

"Are you okay?" Ekkia asked

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?" I said

"Well it's just that your eyes have gone black" she said

"Yep" I nodded

"Uhh ok then" she said looking at me as if I'd gone insane. The rest of the day continued as normal, except for a few strange looks from people which a angry hissed threat from me made them purposefully ignore me. Once the final bell rang I raced to the front of the school and hopped into a beaten up white jeep.

"Looking forward to tonight?" Asked Ryan.

"Can't wait" I laughed and the car sped off.

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