51) Can we fall, one more time? Stop the tape and rewind

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(Peyton pov)
Row & I was watching "Friends" and i noticed something's bothering her.

"Hey, Row. You okay?" I asked.

"Nope." She answered.

"Peyton, I'm really getting tired of the Peybrina fans saying you two have more chemistry than us, and stuff like that." She added.

"Do you remember when i said, I don't want you to ever feel like i'm ashamed of dating you?" I reminded her.

"Yea?" She said.

"Well, I meant it." I told her.

"Even if you try convincing me that we're gonna be inseparable, then you're wrong." She says, undoubtedly.

"Peyton, I don't think i'm able to handle it!" She added as she yelled.

"Handle what?" I asked, feeling worried.

"That fact we're 3-year apart!" She yelled, getting upset.

"Dang it, Rowan! Do you think i care bout that?!" I questioned, feeling both hurt & frustrated.

(Rowan pov)
We kept arguing over the age-gap and the worst part, Peyton yelled at me.

So, I just left and went to see my "The Goldbergs" co-star Sean.

(Peyton pov)
Once she went out the door, I felt really frustrated bout our argument, over the age-gap.

Then again, I should've understand how she felt bout us dating.

"Rowan, I like you alot & I don't want you to ever feel like i'm ashamed of dating you cause I really, really, really, like you and I've admire every moments we shared since we met on set of our show Girl Meets World." He added.
*end of flashback*

(still Rowan pov)
Once I headed to Sean's house, I knocked at his door and one of his relative let me in.

"Hi, I'm Rowan Blanchard. Is Sean here?" I asked.

"Uh, Yes. He's in his room." His mom said.

"Thanks." I replied as she showed me the way to his room.

I knocked at his room door

"Who is it?" He yelled

"It's Rowan." I answered.

"Come in!" He says as I went inside.

"Hi, Sean" I greeted, as we hugged then sat on the couch.

"Hey, Row. How's thing with you and Peyton?" He asked.

I explained him bout how my fight with Peyton started.

Once I told him, He gave me good advice which was 'Be honest with him about your feelings'.

Which led me to a flashback of when I told Peyton how I feel.

"Um. Hi, Pey." I greeted with a shy smile as he lets me in.

"Hey, Rowan. How are you?" He says, giving me a hug then pulled away.

"I'm good, Thanks. Um, I have to tell you something." I told him as we sat on his couch.

"What is it?" He asked, looking at me in the eye.

"Okay. We've known each other since our show Girl Meets World, and the fans would ship us together which is flattering. Cause, You're mostly my favorite person to be around other than Sabrina & Corey. Not to mention,
We're really close both on-&-off screen, and I really like being around you." I admit.
*end of flashback*

(Peyton pov)
I went to the and called Corey, Bradley, Jake, Austin & Peyton Clark over since i need advice on making things right with Row.

And they all suggested that I do something a hopeless romantic would do.

So, I decided to do what Charlie Puth did for that girl in his "One Call Away" video.

I thanked them then went home and called Rowan to come over.

(Rowan pov)
Oh geez, What am I do? Actually, What am I gonna say to him? Okay, Just what Sean said: Be honest with him

I knocked at the door and he let me in.

"Uh, Hey Peyton." I greeted, awkwardly.

"Hi, Row. Uh, I didn't really like how things ended between us." He admit.

"Me either." I replied.

"So. I would say something, But I rather let this video do it for me." He said.

"What are you ta-" I got cut off by a video of us with Sabrina song "On Purpose" playing.

After watching that video, I felt tears falling down.

"I'm sorry, Peyton. I didn't mean to make it sound i don't wanna be with you." I apologized.

"It's fine, I forgive you. Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you." He says.

"It's okay." I replied.

Once we worked out our problem, I stayed at his house for a bit and we watched episodes of "Boy Meets World".

Then, Peyton dropped me off home.

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