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Chapter Nine
I paced around, waiting to see his face. I'm not sure why, but I feel so lost when he's not around. All day, every day all I think about is him. His light laugh and his gorgeous blue eyes.


Nick and me weren't even 'official' to the world yet. We weren't official to anyone, really. Dad had just met him just today and Ethan had dinner with him once. And neither one of them were totally impressed by him.

Was what Ethan said right? Did I just like Nick because Dad has a rivalry with Chick? Was this just some sort of unplanned revenge?

"Stella." Nick softly called out, his figure barely visible in the night. The only thing that stuck out were those bright blue eyes. For some reason, they always stuck out to me.

"Hey." I smiled, placing a few kisses on his lips.

"Someone missed me." He teased, lightly chucking afterwards.

"I always miss you." I replied, cuddling into him.

"I miss you, too," he sighed, resting against me. A silence grew between us and I could almost hear Nick thinking. "I wish we didn't have to meet in circumstances like this."

"Same," I softly agreed. "I wish we could go out in public. I wish we didn't have to hide this."

"Why can't we?" He asked. I paused, furrowing my eyebrows at him.


"Why can't we tell everyone we're together? What's stopping us?" He explained.

"Nick, you know we can't. Not yet." I quickly answered, shaking my head at him. Coming out to the world right now would be the worst mistake. There are still so many flaws in our relationship.

"No, I don't know. Why can't we be together in public like every other couple?" He slightly demanded, confusion and anger growing on his face.

"For one, there's our parents," I replied. "My parents aren't exactly in love with the idea of us being together. If they found out through the media or whatever, they would kill me and you."

"Speaking of the media, I just got out some huge scandal," I quickly added. "I don't exactly want to get into the spotlight this soon, especially about the idea of me dating you. Could you image the kinds of stuff they would say?"

"The stuff they would say?" Nick asked, his voice hard. He furrowed his eyebrows, nearly glaring at me. "Like what?"

"Like for one, our parents' rivalry. I want both our parents to actually like the idea of us dating each other. If they hate the idea, then that makes the situation ten times worse." I rambled. Why couldn't he see what I was explaining? Coming out with our relationship without our parents approval would be a disaster.

"How? How could it make it worse if we did it tonight or in the next ten years?"

"Could you imagine the controversy with a McQueen and a Hicks being together?" I nearly shouted. "Could you image the tabloids? Can't you see what they'd say?"

"I think I can," he grumbled, fuming in anger. "'Why is Stella McQueen with Nick Hicks? Is she trying to ruin her reputation?'"

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, my face dropped when I saw his.

"God, I knew it." He mumbled, hurt present in his voice.

"Nick, that's not-"

"You're just embarrassed to be seen with me," he said. "I thought you were different, Stella. I thought you didn't care what everyone say."

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