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Chapter Five
"You're going to keep racing?" Mom asked, hopefulness present in her voice. Mater had gathered the town together, telling them that Dad had something important to tell us. And as usual, Mater was right.

"You better believe it." Dad grinned, getting cheers from the town. Thank Chrysler. Thank Chrysler. I knew Dad wasn't going to give up on racing, but I didn't know if the town wanted him to continue.

After his crash, I figured most of the town wanted him to stop racing. They all love Dad so I thought for sure they would all beg him to retire and stay safe. After all, these past few months felt lonely without him around. "Oh, Stickers, this is great news." Mom smiled.

"Is he finally going to finish the road?" Lizzy asked. As usual, most of us brushed it off. Lizzy has always been...well...kind of behind on news. She usually figures it out in the end though.

"You better call Rusty and Dusty, bro!" Ramone shouted, getting multiple agreements as Dad punched in their number. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Lightning! How's our favorite racer?" Dusty greeted as their faces appeared on the phone.

"The best I've felt in months. Actually, there's something I'd like to tell you," Dad replied, his smile growing. Yes, this was good. This was perfect. Dad was turning back into his old self. "I want to continue racing."

"We hoped you might say that!" Dusty cheered.

"Hoped? More like prayed. Do you know how much money we spent on you?" Rusty quickly asked. Dad shook his head as they continued to ramble on.

"We got this brand new racing center all set up for you!" Dusty stated.

"All for you! The Rust-Eze Racing Center is all yours, kiddo!" Rusty added. Dad furrowed his eyebrows, confused by this sudden information.

"Rust-Eze Racing Center?" Dad asked, making them talk even louder. They were so proud of this new building they built for Dad.

"You should come down and check it out in the morning!" Rusty quickly replied.

"Yeah! We'll send Mack the coordinates and we'll meet you here!" Dusty cheered.

"Alright. Sounds good to me." Dad agreed. Eventually, Dad got off the phone with his sponsors. I swear those three could talk for hours about absolutely nothing.

Dad turned back to the town, who were all conversing with each other while they waited for the call to end. "Dude! You're not going to the racing center looking like that, are you?" Ramone asked when everyone finally quieted down.

"I don't know, Stinky. This gray is a nice look on you. I absolutely love the way it brings out your eyes." Mom teased, making the rest of the town give their opinions.

"Well, I think he looks just perfect." Mater fired out, defending his best friend.

"Mater, he can't go out in public in primer." Sheriff groaned, rolling his eyes.

"I think he should try a nice green." Fillmore smiled, nodding his head.

"Green? I think not. He should go with his traditional red." Sarge argued.

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