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Chapter Two
Early the next morning, I headed to the Los Angeles International Speedway, thanks to Mac. He didn't really feel comfortable leaving without Dad knowing, but I assured him that I would be taking all of Dad's heat when I returned.

When we arrived, plenty of other racers were there. Most of us were here for postseason interviews. A million local radio stations were here and a few national ones as. Usually, I don't attend these. They're typically for racers who are unknown and want to get there name out into the public more.

But I was here for one news station only.

"Stella, are you sure this is a good idea? I'm not sure I like the idea of sending you in there without some type of guard. Plus, I think your dad would have me fired for letting you go alone." Mac fretted as he parked.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll let you tag along with me. That way you can keep a close eye on me," I smiled. "And Dad would never fire you in a million years. After all, you're the only one who really cared for him in his rookie years."

"Yeahh, I really wouldn't call it caring." Mac replied as I exited. I drive around to talk to him face to face.

"Then what would you call it?" I asked as he unhinged the trailer.

"More like being terrified for my life." Mac teased, a smile on his face. I chuckled as we left for the pits. As I rounded the corner, I was shocked at how many cars were here. There were rows of stands, each one having cars talking on the radio. A few of the more popular stations even had cameras for cars to watch on tv. It really was a sight.

"This is a little crazy, isn't it?" I stated, my nerves kicking in.

"Just little," Mac replied. "Why are we coming here anyways?"

"Well, I promised a friend that I'd talk on their radio station," I explained. "Only, I have no idea where it is. This place is a lot busier than I expected." I sighed.

"I guess we better dive in then and hope you don't get bombarded with cars. I'd hate to have you say something stupid on the radio and have it broadcasted everywhere, ruining your appearance." Mac rambled.

"Thanks for that image."

We took a deep breath then drove down the rows. It was easy at first, because it seemed like cars weren't really expecting us. But once they caught sight, well, let's just say that it was hectic. "Miss McQueen! Tell us about your latest win!"

"No comment."

"Miss McQueen! How do you feel about beating Jackson Storm?"

Oo. I really wanted to answer that one. "No comment."

It seemed to go on for hours, until cars seemed to get the hint that I wasn't talking to anyone. Little by little, they seemed to back down and everyone began to leave me alone.

Soon, we reached the stand. It was a popular one so a few cars were waiting in line for their turn to speak on air. Some were nearly radiating with energy. Others were looking like they were going to hurl. I was somewhere in between.

"Stella? What are you doing here?" A voice spoke up. I turned around, seeing none other than Jackson Storm.

Alright, I admit, I used to despise the guy. But after realizing it wasn't his fault for Dad's retirement and beating him on the track a few times, I grew to like the guy. I'd actually consider us close friends. It helps that his ego has drop a few degrees over the years. "Hey, Jackson," I greeted. "I could ask you the same. I don't think you need anymore publicity. It seems like you always have a group of girls following you around everywhere you go."

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