Chapter Thirteen

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Alex whined. "Shhh, baby." I said kissing his cheek.

"J-Jack," He stuttered in fear, "I don't like it."

"I know, baby." I whispered. I grabbed the candle on the table. I grabbed the lighter laying on my hoodie. I lit the candle and laid it back down. I helped Alex sit up and sat up myself. He was sitting in between my thighs and laying on my stomach. He closed his eyes and drifted asleep. I felt his breath slow down and his movement stop.


Soon after I was asleep. I moved Alex up and laid him on my chest. I was in light sleep so I could still hear noise. I heard the front door open, meaning my mom was home. I stayed asleep. Alex moved a little bit and made a small noise.  My mom came over and tapped on my shoulder lightly.

"Jack." My mom said making me open my eyes.

"Huh?" I mumbled.

"Can you come into the kitchen, we need to talk." She said.

"Yeah." I pushed Alex a little, he opened his eyes. "I'll be back," He closed his eyes again as I stood up. I met my mom back in the kitchen.

"Why is Alex not at his house?" My mom asked me.

"His mom is so mean to him. I think he wants to stay again tonight." I said realizing there was still no power.

"I think you need to take him home." My mom said.

"We're 17, why can't we stay." I asked her.

"Jack." She said with a crossed look.

"He's so sweet and peaceful. Mom, please let him stay one more night." I said.

"Your dad will not talk to you until he goes home, so, its your choice." She said. I walked back into the living room, Alex's hair was messy and he was sitting up. His eyes were puffy from sleeping.

"Jacky, can I go home?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. "I think it'll be okay, plus, you need a night to yourself."

"Yeah, I'll take you home." We walked through the kitchen after Alex got his clothes. We got in my car. There was no rain, nothing, it was all peaceful. There was no power. Alex was quiet the entire ride home. He was half asleep. "Lexy, are you okay?" I felt the side of his face.

"I feel sick, Jack." He pushed my hand down. "I'm gonna go home tonight," He said as I pulled into his driveway. "I'll call you around 8." I kissed his cheek before he got out of my car.

"I love you." I said as he got out of my car.

"I love you too." He shut my car door and slowly walked inside. When he got inside I pulled out and drove away.


Around 8 I waited and waited for Alex to call me. He didn't.

At 9 there was still no call. No call at 10 either. I finnaly got a call at almost 11:00.

"Hello." I said answering the phone.

"Jack! Please come get me! I'm scared." He cried on the other line.

"Are you okay?" I asked as the line disconnected. My brother and sister were at a party and I was home with my mom and dad. They were asleep. I ran down the hall wearing sweats and a hoodie and rushed out the door. I was wearing no shoes. I started my car and sped down the road. I quickly ran into Alex's house. There was a loud crash coming from up the steps. I took off running upstairs. I heard Isobel screaming at Alex from outside his locked door. I pushed her back and knocked on the door. "Alex! Open the door! Its me." I said banging on the door. He opened the door and pulled me in quickly locking it.

Alex was crying. His face was red and tears were on his cheeks. His hair was in every direction. His room was detroyed. His shelves were down off his walls and the floor was covered from things on the wall. All his posters were no longer on his walls.

"What the hell happened?" I said hugging him.

"She hit me." He cried. He pulled up his shirt revealing red marks all over his torso. "She pulled all the shelves down onto me and hit me."

"How many times did she hit you?" I asked him.

"I don't know!" He collasped into my arms. He continued to cry. I dropped onto the ground with ALex hysterically crying into my chest.

"Alex, I'm going to call the police." I said reaching for my phone.

"What are they going to do?" He cried.

"She's abusing you. They'll take care of everything." I said rocking him.

"Please, Jack." He said faintly as he cried into my lap. I dialed 911 on my phone.

"911, what's your emergancy?" The operator said.

"My name is Jack, I'm 17 years old, and my boyfriends mother is severly abusing him. She keeps hitting him. We locked ourselves in his room and we are both scared." I said as Alex bawled.

"I'm sending someone to your location." She said. "Is he okay? Does he need paramedics?"

"His entire torso is beat red from being hit. And she's pulled shelves over his head." I rubbed Alex's back.

"I'll send a paramedic. Just in case." She said. I started to hear sirens.

"I hear the sirens." I said holding onto Alex even tighter.

"Okay, I need you to stay on the line. I want you to try to make it outside and meet them outside." She said.

"Lex, we need to go outside." I helped him out.

"Can you let me know when you get out?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said unlocking the door, Alex ran down the steps and out his door. I followed him holding the phone. "We're out." I told her.

"They'll take care of it from there." She said hanging up. I held onto Alex as the police cars sped up and raced to us.

"Can I have your names?" One of them said.

"Jack Barakat, Alexander Gaskarth." I said.

"Which one lives here." They said as Alex made a faint noise. "Can I see your stomach?" They asked him. I let go of him and he pulled his shirt up. The police nodded and two of the four rushed into the house.

"It hurts." Alex cried.

"It's okay, boys. We have an ambulance here, its going to take you guys to the hospital." He told us. "I promise you'll be safe with them." Alex started to cry hysterically again. "I want you to go over there and meet them." He said. I picked Alex up and carried him to the paramedics. The put him on the bed and helped me into the ambulance. Alex was crying. I saw his mom come out of the house in hand-cuffs and be pushed into a car.

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