Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"You don't want me here?" Jace asked when her sombre mood failed to lift altogether.

Lucy looked up at him sadly and shook her head.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Jace gave her a sloppy grin.

"I want you here," she said unhesitatingly.

"Good! You get your PJs on and I will get comfortable on your bed. Then we'll talk," Jace said before he pushed away from her and blew out a low whistle as he took in her state of undress. "Or perhaps just leave off with the pj's altogether." He murmured suggestively, then chuckled all the way to the bed. Lucy turned to watch him start unbuttoning his shirt before her face heated up and she scuttled all the way into the bathroom to begin her nightly rituals.

She didn't know why she still got embarrassed around him. Perhaps it was the slight uncertainty about their being a couple that confused her.

She emerged shortly after and made her way over to the bed. Jace was already in. Was he asleep? Lucy inched closer and got in silently so as not to awake him. Then he turned and pressed up against her. Lucy felt his whole body shake and realised it was from refrained laughter. She hit his shoulders and gritted out his name in annoyance, "Jace!" But his shoulders only shook harder. Lucy scowled in the dark and turned her back to him.

"Oh baby, don't be like that," he whispered teasingly into her ear as he shifted his arm under her to haul her close. Spooning in, they settled down comfortably. Both silent and simply enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms.

Lucy turned to face him, "You heard what your parents said to mine? "

"I was there when they said it. I didn't want you to know but I guess that was inevitable. They didn't mean it. It's just a phase. It will blow over."

That annoyed her, "It's not just a phase. They want you for Celine, not me. It's not just about how you or I feel. It's to do with your company and Celine's."

"And what would you know about my company or for that matter Celine's? " Jace asked amused.

"Nothing. That is, nothing other then what Richard told me. The Reeves want you as their son in law just as your parent's want Celine. What we want doesn't come into it," Lucy retorted smartly.

"And you think I should just give us up and give in to them. Is that what you want? " Jace asked seriously, gazing down at her.

Lucy felt a spasm of pain so sharp her eyes watered instantly. "No!" She cried out. "I want you for myself, " Lucy added selfishly.

"Shhh, babe," Jace ran a comforting hand through her hair and nestled her head to the curve of his chest. "We'll work it out. This is just another curve in the road. We'll take it slow. You know how I feel about you and I know how you feel about me. That's all that matters, " Jace said soothingly.

Lucy nodded her head accepting his reasoning. Jace was an old hand at this. He's had experience with relationships while this would be her first. She would bow to his better judgement. Perhaps his parents had objected to all his other girlfriends as well. Just thinking about them smartened her temper.

"Term break will be over soon. You'll be back at your final semester at Monash and I will have enrolled in elsewhere, " Lucy said finally, what has been at the back of her mind.

"Have you decided what you're going to do?"
Lucy gave the question some thought but then gave a slow shake of her head. "No. I have not a clue." She was clueless about so many things it was almost worrying.

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