July Twentieth

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Written By: Kae, Creator and Admin of Young Writers

You’re doing it: Camp NaNo. You’re taking the time out of your life to write. Why is this significant? Because you are letting writing become a part of your life. This is huge! This is momentous! This is important because once you let writing in, you’re not getting rid of it. However, if you are going to make it through Camp NaNo, you’re going to need some help. When I did NaNo last November, it was the help of my writing friends that helped me reach my mark, and then some! They encouraged me, did Word Wars with me (Find a friend, set a time length, and then see who writes more in that time), motivated me, and they reminded me why I was doing NaNo. So for Camp NaNo, don’t do it your own. Find people to join with you to write! Set goals, give yourself enough time, and most of all enjoy what you’re doing! Love each second the words flow off of your finger-tips. It’s a beautiful thing. Enjoy it! After all, you are a writer.

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