Happy friendship day

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Hello friends,
          First of all, im extremely sorry for not being available on wattpad, reason given earlier, but still I would love to tell it. I have started working and for that purpose, I had shifted to my work location from my hometown. Since my parents can't accompany me, im staying in a hostel. And the day since I joined my job, oh god.. It was so so hectic. You guys know we cant use phones here and we keep it in a locker before we go to our cabin. In a whole day, I get only 1 hour of break. And the day ends for me very late. I reach my room after 8 in the night. I just refresh myself, talk to my parents, eat then sleep. And the routine continues. That's the reason I could not revert back to any of your messages. But now im back to my form. I will take my time and try to update all the pending books. I can't leave them just like that. I love you all people. You have been waiting patiently all these days. Just a few more days. I have started scripting. I will update soon.

Happy friendship day to each and everyone of you.You guys have some magic. Whenever I thought of deactivating my account and stop myself from writing, it is the thought of you all people that I can't do that. I know how much patience and trust you have in me and I feel very lucky to be a part of this fandom and your friend.

It will take me a forever to tag everyone of you. That's why not tagging anyone. But remember you are all the best people I ever have.

Will see you soon with the next chapter

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