18 0 0

"Cause baby now we got bad blood."


Once I finally reached my house, I unlocked the door and threw my keys on the ground. I looked at my phone and saw multiple notifications.


Andrea: Sarah..
Andrea: I'm so sorry.
Andrea: Fuck Camilla. She's a bitch. That was not her business to tell. If you need anyone I'm here. Don't hesitate to text/call

Shawn: Sarah I didn't know she would do that..
Shawn: you trusted me with your secret. And I broke your trust. I'm sorry.


@camillacabello: Look at this video of @sarahwilson being a little bitch and walking away from a fight

And the video was attached. And her letting the whole party know I was raped was included in that video. So now the internet knows.

I decided to tweet out myself.

@sarahwilson: how dare you bring up someone's past like that..

Then she tweeted back.

@camillacabello: @sarahwilson awww are you gonna try to kill yourself again? this time do us all a favor and make the attempt successful.

Shawn really told her all of my secrets. I should've never moved out here to LA. Instead of doing something I might regret, I brought out my camera.

"I know I look like a whole mess, but I guess I wanna explain myself? I don't know. I don't owe it to anyone to explain myself, but now my fucking business is all over the fucking internet." I said through tears. "So basically two years ago I was living in Toronto, which is in Canada if you didn't know. I hope you know. Anyways I was living with my mom and dad. My best friend at the time was Shawn. You know, Shawn Mendes. So when he blew up and got famous, he did what everyone else does and moved out here to LA. Shortly after my parents," I started. The tears started falling down my cheeks again. "My parents got into an accident. A really bad one. They both ended up passing away leaving me. So I had to do what every orphan has to do, and I either had to go live with family or go into the system. My aunt and uncle ended up taking me in. The first few weeks were fine, then I came home one day and my uncle was in my bedroom yelling at me to get undressed." More tears fell. "What was I supposed to do? I screamed for help, but nobody helped me." I said in a weak voice. "I got raped multiple other times. And I prayed and prayed and prayed every day, but god didn't want to listen to my prayers. My own uncle took my virginity at seventeen years old. When I finally turned eighteen I got away from that place and moved in with my grandma." I took a deep breath. "I found pills. I didn't know what they were, but I took them. It was a lot. Short story short, my grandma came home, and called an ambulance and here I am, alive." I stopped for a couple seconds, gathering my thoughts.

"I just don't understand why I have to sit here on the floor of my house in Los Angeles, that I bought so I could become happier, and explain my whole life story to my audience when I wasn't ready to. I'm sorry that it had to be this way, but clearly I have some people in my life who are better off not in my life again. Um, thanks for watching I guess. Subscribe, or don't, it doesn't matter. Bye." I said, saying 'bye' quietly. 


When I woke up in the morning I checked the comments of my video. 

She's so brave.

You can just tell how much she's hurting. Much love to you Sarah

I hope one day that she can be 100% happy. Until then it's our job to be the most supportive fan base.

I also had a text from Shawn.

Shawn:I know you hate me right now. And you should. I would too. I just want to let you know that I am so so so sorry again. I didn't mean for all of this to happen. Camilla told me to pick her or you, and she's been here for me, not you. And yes, that's my fault. But Sarah, I really thought she was the one for me. I really did. I am glad you're here in LA though. Even if we're not speaking. It's nice knowing that my best friend is in the same city as me, and not thousands of miles away. It wasn't my place to tell Camilla your business, and I know that, but I trusted her, just like you trusted me. I'll spend the rest of my life apologizing if I have to. Love you Sarah. 

For some reason I started crying at Shawn's text. Not out of anger or sadness, I just started crying. 

Sarah: Come over please.


Within an hour, there was a knocking at the door. I opened it up and there he was, with that adorable face of his. Under these circumstances I shouldn't be this happy to see him, but he really is my best friend.

I didn't say anything. I just pulled him into a tight hug. 

"I'm sorry."

"I know. I forgive you." I said into is chest.

For the whole day, we laid around watching movies and talking and eating food. We were in the middle of High School Musical 3 when he got a call from his manager.

"Hello? Yeah Andrew what's up. No.. What are we supposed to do? The tour starts tomorrow and people already bought their tickets! Alright. I'll try to figure something out. Yeah. Bye." Shawn said on the phone. When he hung up he put his hands in his hair.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Camilla dropped out of the tour. And now I have no one to sing I Know What You Did Last Summer with and I don't have an opening act." He said and was quiet for a second, then his face lit up.

"Oh my god! You can do it!" He said way too anxiously.

"uhhhh I'm not sure about that. I'm probably the laughingstock of the internet right now."

"Sarah, your voice is great, everyone loves you. Especially after you opened up, which was kind of my fault and did I say sorry?" He said which made me laugh.

"Yes you did." I said laughing. "And fine I'll do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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