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<new message: garrett🙄😈>

garrett: heyyyyy ;))

rachel: ew
rachel: i need to talk to you

garrett: you can talk to me about anything ;)

rachel: ugh
rachel: anyway
rachel: ryland texted me
rachel: he told me what actually happened

!rachel sent photo!
!rachel sent photo!

garrett: ...

rachel: there's the screenshots

garrett: drew. he's a good person
garrett: i don't know if i can believe him

rachel: i don't think he's lying garrett

garrett: ...
garrett: i don't think he's lying either
garrett: ryland... hes telling the truth

rachel: we need to tell shane

garrett: 3am
garrett: meet at the ruby couch
garrett: bring ryland
garrett: i'll bring shane

-read 1:23am-

bad / shyland / completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon