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rylands pov

i finished explaining all the bullshit that had been piling up the last couple of days while rachel sped down the mini highway in her old subaru. i was surprised she even owned a car, since most girls at our school rode with their boyfriends or had deluxe sports cars.
"i just need it to get me from point a to point b." she explained on the way back from the mystery location, a glowing cigarette hovering in front of her soft lips, "and to give me music on the way".

"look." she began, taking a deep breath and turning a sharp right up a steep hill. "shane has always been this way. he has always been scared of what people actually think of him. no matter how tough he seems, he is really just a big softie inside"
i nod slowly, before i realise why she had dragged me out of the house at 1am and was now driving through dark woods.
"oh shit," i gulp, "please don't kill me, i forgot he is your boyfriend and i—"
before i get a chance to finish, she bursts into laughter.
"r—ryland!" she chokes between giggles "shane and i aren't dating! it's just a fucking terrible plot by our evil agents"
i pause in confusion, then join in with her, our laughter filling the silent woods.
in the back of my mind, i realise i'm relieved for a reason i was too scared to face.

"oh my god i thought you were going to kill me in these woods!" one last giggle escapes her lips  as the stops a car infront of a sign that says 'private property—no entry!'

rachel gets out, slamming the door violently. i follow her actions and fumble with my phone, turning on the flash then pointing it at her.
"here this way." she ducks under a torn corner of the wire fence and jerks her head, motioning for me to follow her. I awkwardly duck under the fence gap and we walk through the trees until they start to become less and less.
we trekked down a hidden path that you can only slightly see if you knew where you were going.

it eventually opens into a steep hill, with a perfect view of the glowing ruby red bridge. the warm sun peaking through the city, flooding the sky with light baby yellow and hints of orange.

further down the sloping surface, a rectangle space had been dug out in the side creating a level platform for a old striped yellow couch. it was big, filling up the hole in its blue, red, green and brown striped glory. rips, tears and all.

on the tattered mustard couch, a figure sat.
a figure with quiffed aburn hair; a black hoodie outlining broad shoulders. it sat there, gazing out onto the sunrise. it was someone i knew well, someone who i could tell was expecting her.

rachel slowly walked down towards the boy, and jumped on the couch beside him.

i took a deep shaking breath and followed her, talking a seat on the other side of him, sinking into the surprisingly comfy cushions.

"hey ryland."

"hey shane."


shanes pov

"we are here...because we are stupid kids" rachel says, and i raise a eyebrow at her, questioning why she was about to give a speech as we sat on what we call 'ruby couch'.

"we are here because we all make mistakes. that's what stupid kids do. so let's grab a cig, watch the ruby bridge from a couch in the hill and go back to what we were." rachel smirks at the sunrise while holding out the small cigarette box at us, not looking away from the growing light.
i take one out and light it in my mouth, then i hand my green lighter to ryland. he fumbles with it, trying to get it to flicker into some flame.
"here" i say, softly putting the cig in his mouth and easily lighting it for him, our faces millimeters apart.

"now, enjoy your time kiddos. i didn't bring a jumper and i'm fucking cold. i'm going to the car" rachel stands up abruptly, purposely ignoring the old grey blanket on the back of the couch and swiftly climbing back up the crumbling hill.

ryland and i sit on the couch. we listen to the sounds of early morning cars, before his soft voice cuts through the traffic like a blade.

"where you s all along?" he mumbles, not taking his eyes of the bridge.

"yes." i reply after a short pause.

"i'm sorry for being mad" he apologises unexpectedly.

"do—do you still love me shane?" his beautiful blue eyes flicker over at me, connecting our eyes in a electrifying bond that had gotten me addicted to this boy in the first place.

"yes." i wisper, pulling him close to me.
his head rests in my chest, as he snuggles into me.

"do you love me?" i ask softly.

"...i do"

we sit in comfortable silence, him resting on my chest as we watch the sun rise together, hiding our smiles, until i duck my head and kiss him softly, our lips barely brushing yet enough to reassure each other that we were
somewhat ok.

[A/N: go read 'cigarette sunset' my poem and other shit books :)
i just updated this one a lot for you guys bc y'all r the sweetest:')))]

bad / shyland / completedWhere stories live. Discover now