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Shanes pov

Most of the night was a blur.
All I could remember is too many drinks, pounding music to match my soon-to-be pounding headache, and dancing and him. Ryland. He was completely adorable. Shy when you first met him; then after awhile, you get to understand that Ryland couldn't be any more perfect.

Ever since I had first laid my eyes on him I knew, in the back of my mind that he was special. He wasn't like the others. short milky brown hair that looked unimaginably soft, short but long enough to run his hands through it. brilliant sea blue eyes that danced every time he smiled, flashing his pearly teeth often. He wasn't the type I would usually go for, which made me more intrigued in him.

We had a few drinks;  Garrett and the others were long gone. He wrapped his arms around my neck and was staring deeply into my eyes with his own, sparkling but cloudy ones, batting them slowly. I didn't realise I was biting my bottom lip, nervous from the sudden contact. As we moved to the beat slowly I glided my hands down his rib cage, lightly grabbing his waist. Other people's voices faded from my mind, leaving the lengthy lofi playing in the background. My mind was fixed on our existence.

"Your really annoying" he slurs with a dopey grin on his face.
"What do you mean Ryla—" I start to ask him, but he interrupts me, causing me to frown.
"Your so annoying. Your stuck up and a fuck boy."
"Ryland I—" hairs on my neck stand up and I gulp nothing slowly, my mouth rapidly drying. [A/N: like the fucking skin on my elbows oof] . Because the very last thing I would want is for him to hate me? Absolutely.

"But your so fucking hot. Literally your one of the sexiest men alive" he moves his hand and caresses my face, raising a eyebrow at me.
What is he talking about? Colour rises to my cheeks rapidly. It's usually the other way around, Me as the smooth lead chatting up people. Me making the moves.
"How many drinks have you had?" I ask him, my hands on his waist, running my thumb up and down his skin.
"Only a few" he giggles.
I sigh and look to the side, partly to check if anyone had been watching us dance and partly because I had seen many drunk people in my time, and believe me when I tell you, Ryland was wasted.
"Shane?" He says, forcing my eyes back to his.

"Will you kiss me?"

[A/N: Hey lads sorry for the extremely short chapter, I did the best I could to lengthen it but ahh it's so short I'm sorryyy :')]

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