Chapter 1: Going to Walmart

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Chapter 1: Going to Walmart

"Ali, your Dad's here!" my mom shouted at me from the bottom of the staircase. I walked down the steps with a duffle bag snug against my shoulder. I looked down and my navy blue converse, hoping that my mom wouldn't look at me and just leave me alone. But moms will be moms and they will never let that happen. They see through you like you are transparent.

My dad was waiting for me at the bottom of the tattered, creaking staircase. "Hey pumpkin. Are you ready?"

'Ready for what? Your cramped apartment? I think not.' I thought to myself. I just continued to walk to the door and slid past my mom and my dad. Thankfully, I survived getting to the door without them talking to me. I got into my dads red, ford fusion and slumped into the passenger seat. I threw my duffle bag on the passenger seat floor, not caring that I was acting like a haughty child.

I heard mom and dad yelling from inside the house. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but I knew it had something to do with me. Everything always had to do with me. Ever since my parents decided to get a divorce a couple weeks ago, I have barely spoken to either of them. They don't understand how I feel. I'm an only child which means that all the pressure is on me. They are fighting over custody for me and I can't stand the thought of losing one of my parents. I wish this had never happened and that we could all be a normal family like we were two months ago. I wanted that back so badly, but now I understand. I understand that their is no such thing as 'Love.' It's just a word to describe how you feel for someone. Just because someone says 'I love you' doesn't mean that you mean it.

The door slammed and you could still hear my mom yelling at him even though my dad had left the house. He opened the door and sat at the drivers seat with his head on the steering wheel. I could understand some of what he was mumbling. "how did things get so complicated... how come she doesn't talk to us... why did I do this to our family?" he mumbled to himself.

I felt anger flowing rapidly through my veins. "I don't know dad how did you let our family fall apart?" I snapped.

He looked at me shocked that I had heard what he had said. "I don't know." That was all that came out of his mouth.

"Forget it." I whispered.

He drove with neither of us saying a word to one another. Deciding not to pay attention to him any longer, I looked out the window. I sometimes hated the awkward silence in the car. Luckily, my dads place is only ten minutes away. When we pulled up to his apartment complex, I was eager to storm out of this car. It felt like I was in a holding cell.

My dad parked the car in its usual parking spot. Then, I dashed out of the it like he was an infectious disease. I grabbed my duffle bag and ran into the apartment. It looked like a dump with all of the empty boxes and scatted McDonald's BigMac boxes and greasy French fries wrappers. I didn't care though, I just ran into my room and slammed the door. I plopped on the bed and waited. Waited for my dad to come and tell me that dinner was ready. Minutes turned to hours. It was now nine o clock and I still hadn't heard from my dad. My stomach was growling so I decided to go into the kitchen and make me something to eat. Hopefully my dad had food in the fridge.

I tip toed into the kitchen and found no one there. Thank goodness. I let out a sigh and opened the fridge. Nothing. I frowned when I saw there was nothing in the cupboard either. Feeling frusterated, I didn't want to go out at this time of night. It always creeped me out to see all of the homeless people staring at me on the street with hungry eyes. But my stomach is bigger than my brain right now so I grab a sweater and my phone before heading over to Walmart.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I walked out of the complex. I noticed my dad's car wasn't in the parking lot so I assumed he went to a bar and wouldn't be back until late tonight. The walk to Walmart took almost ten minutes. I saw a lot of homeless people on the streets. Every time I passed someone, I held my breath and hoped that they would leave me alone. Fortunately, they did.

At Walmart, I grabbed a couple cans of Campbells chicken noodle soup, honey nut Cherrio cereal, and a half gallon of milk. I payed for the items and quickly left. I got the same stares from the homeless people on my way back. Now, I beginning to feel a little scared. I walked faster. Soon, I could see the apartment complex but I didn't dare stop walking fast. By the time I got to the door I was practically running. The door was locked so I put the grocery bags on the ground and stretched my hand into my pocket to retrieve the house key. I successfully found the key on the key chain, then, positioned it to fit in the lock. 

I started to turned it but then their was a knife on my neck and a cloth on my nose. I couldn't breathe as my heart nearly leaped out off my chest. I started to squirm but I couldn't get out of this persons grip. I tried screaming, kicking, scratching. Nothing would work. I felt my eyes droop and the world began to fade away. All I kept thinking was 'I am going to die. I will never see my family again. I will never apologize to my parents. This was the end.'

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