Chapter 17

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"I will talk, some," she said, and paused, closing her eyes, "but Stefans must be told I am safe, first."

"Where's your phone?" Sam asked.

"The front pocket of my backpack." After she slowly typed in the passcode, she said, "Sam, please call him for me, and I will talk." Her speech was slow, and somewhat labored, but she seemed mostly okay.

"Stefans, I do not know where I am, but will tell you when I get more strength. Do not worry for me. I am with Sam, and he will insure my safety," she said, and hung up.

"It appears you didn't give him a chance to question you," Father Wolfram observed, as her phone started buzzing.

"I will be scolded for not taking guards with me, but I did not think of it when I leave to see Sam. He told Sam to take me to care," she replied.

"You two really are a pair?"

Sam wasn't sure how to answer, but she relieved him of that burden. "Yes," she said.

"Your uncle is going to have a hard time with it, but be patient with him. He has a reason for his animosity," the priest said.

"I know, but he won't even give her a chance," Sam argued.

"You don't need to argue with me, son. I'm on your side, mostly," he said, with a fatherly smile. "Now, I know you will probably only tell me a few things, but I'd love to know what you are willing to tell me," he said, turning his attention to Kristi.

"Do you know of the three type of vampire, as you call us?" she asked. Her voice was getting a little stronger as she spoke, but was still a bit weak.

"Yes, but does Sam?"

"No, I do not think so," she said, turning her gaze to him. "Sam, I will tell you some about us. What makes us vampire is a virus. We only know this since science has become modern. There are three types of the virus, and we have known this for long time," she said, and explained the three variants to him. He never interrupted, his attention completely devoted to her, and what she was willing to give him.

"Would you tell me what year you were turned?" Father Wolfram asked, once her short lesson was done.

"Forgive me, but I cannot. That is information that is dangerous for us to say. I will tell you, I have the ancient form of the virus in me." After the explanation of the three types, Sam understood why she was able to beat the boys that had attacked them, even though she was smaller. It didn't totally explain what she'd done with the wild ones, though.

"I suspected as much, though I wasn't sure. I assume you are part of the house of Latvia," he stated, rather than asked.


"I must inform you, so there are no misunderstandings, I am a member of the order generally known as the Teutonic Knights. If this is a problem for you, I completely understand and will stop asking questions. I know there is a bad history between our people." Sam was a little surprised to see her close her eyes and breath deeply for a little while.

"I see the bad blood does still exist. I am sorry, and I will leave. It is not my desire to cause you anxiety, or make you uncomfortable."

She opened her eyes, let out a long breath, and said, "it is time to let the past go, and forgive, maybe. The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary should always know, our people do not like betrayal. It is hard for us to forget when it is done to us, and our memory is long."

"I won't say it won't happen again. You know how people are, probably better than I, but I will promise that I will keep my word and treat with you in truth and honor."

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