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Adrien's Pov

"Adrien" I heard a familiar voice call out. I shook my head thinking that I was just imagining it when it spoke up again."Adrien is that you?" No way, it couldn't be, could it? I said to myself. I slowly walked over to Marinette and fell on my knees. She was awake, my princess was awake. I picked up her hand and pressed my lips onto it before intertwining my hand with hers.

"Yeah Princess, it's me." She blinked a few times before giving me a small smile. "Do you remember how I got here? The last thing I remember is running into the elevator" She said while looking around the room.

"Um well, I rather not tell you right now" I responded honestly. She looked at me questionably but then dropped the issue and focused her attention towards the door.

"What...what is she doing here?" Marinette stuttered out. I turned to look at the door and noticed Alya was still by the door. God what's up with that girl. The last person Marinette needs to see is her.

"Alya, can you leave please? You're not welcomed here. You're one of the main reasons she is here." I spoke with anger flourishing off my body.

"Adrien, you know I'm not going to leave. She is my best friend.."

"Correction" I said cutting her off. "You were her best friend, now your just some stuck up nobody with a sorry personality." Alya looked at me sadly but then proceeded to speak again. "Mari please...I never truly ment what I did. I was just hurt and had a lot of things going on at home. I just needed to release my anger on someone and I guess that person ended up being you. I'm so sorry, really I am."

I looked over at Marinette and saw so much pain painted on her face. I can only imagine what she must feel having to hear Alya's bullshit excuses.

"Alya" Marionette began. "I really don't know what to say. I mean I don't understand why you had to go and start bullying me. It really doesn't make sense. I love you so much but, I don't think we'll ever be able to be friends again. I can't have someone like you in my life. It's not good for my mental health. I'm sorry but that's how it's going to be. The whole reason I didn't want to tell you about me cutting was because I didn't want you to hate me but, I guess that happened anyways."

"Mari..." Alya cried out, dropping to her knees. "Please.. I'm so sorry. You don't understand how much I miss you." Before I could say anything Alix stepped in. " Are you being for real?" She asked. "You seriously want Marinette to just up and forgive you! Your the reason she's here in a fricken hospital!" Alix yelled throwing her hands up. "Oh and don't call her Mari, its too pretty to be coming from your toxic mouth." She added with a tone of sass

Wow. I thought Alix is really an amazing friend. I'm so glad my princess has her. She such a major up grade from Alya. I look over to Marinette and climb into the bed with her. God I love her so much. She is such a cute little ball of sunshine and the fact that I almost lost her makes me so furious inside. She is the girl,of my dreams and never want to have to live a life without her.

"Hey princess?" I asked while stroking her cheek. "Yeah?" She replied. "I love you and don't you forget it." I said as I leaned in a placed a sweet kiss onto her perfectly plump lips. She returned the kiss and reached towards my hair giving it a good ruffle. She then broke the kiss just for a second to tell me she loves me and then goes right back in.I heard Alix awwing and foot steps shuffling out the door. Good. I thought, they're gone. But there was still one thing on my mind. Where the heck was her dad?

Hey guys, so it's been like 9 months since I've posted and I'm so sorry. Thank you for sticking with me and giving me love and support. Its honesty the only reason why I decided to keep writing. You guys are awesome!❤ I love you guys so much. I'll see you in the next chapter.

Xoxo MiraculousLover13💙

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