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By the time 5 rolled around I heard the sound of people chatting down stairs. I opened my trap door to see Adrien and my parents chatting. "Hey guys,Adrien you can come right up"He followed me up the stairs and we made our way over to my desk. Adrien grabbed my sketch book and flipped to the drawling that we drew previously. "So as I was saying we should create a cat dress" I really didn't want to make a cat dress but I knew that he was going to keep complaining until he got his way."Fine" I responded."Yay, okay so there should be a bell choker and a belt with a green paw" he said as he sketched it out.

About an hour later we were done designing the dress and desided to head out and buy the fabric.We said goodbye to my parents and made our way towards the store. As we enterd the store my eyes locked onto someone I really didn't want to see."Hi Adrikins"Chloe said to Adrien as she made her way towards us. She hooked her arms around his neck and attempted to place a kiss onto his lips,it missed and instead landed on his cheek.

"If you don't mind I like to speak to Marinette" He nodded his head and said that he would start looking for the fabric."So Chole what insult or you going to throw at me this time?" I said looking deeply intoher eyes. "Besides the fact that you are still a worthless piece of trash and will never be loved.... absolutely nothing." She then shoved me into the floorand kicked me on the side before she cackled and headed out the door. I got up and brushed my self of before I went to try and look for Adrien. I spotted him by the fabric and headed over.

"Hey Adrien find all the fabric yet?" He turned his head towards me "Yeah, but umm what did Chloe want?" I looked at him and tried to come up with a believable lie "Ohh she uh wanted to know what we were making,but I said I didn't want to tell her, so she got mad and stomped out."
"Oh okay" he said as we headed towards the cash register. When we headed out the door we said goodbye and he handed me the bag filled with the fabric. I walked home and made my way up the ladder, and walked into the bathroom.
Beware she is about to harm herself so if you feel umcofortable just skip amd when you see * continue to read

I reached into my drawer and pulled out a razor. I thought about what Chloe said and tears formed into my eyes. I can't help but think that what Chole is saying about me is true. I am pretty chubby I am not that talented and everyone just pities me. I took the razor to my wrist and cut it just a bit. There was blood dripping but I didn't really care, it made me feel relaxed. I wiped up the blood on the counter and from my wrist and exited the bathroom.

* I changed into my ladybug patterned pajamas and headed up the ladder that was connected to my bed. I snuggled up with my cat pillow and fell into a not so peaceful sleep.

Not as long as last time but I guess it will due. I will try to update whenever I can

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