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Adrien's Pov

It's been three weeks and Marinette is still out. Everyone, but me has gone back to Paris. I called father and told him what was going on. He reluctantly said I could stay, but said I had to stay with the Mr. Dupain, who flew in the minute he heard the news.

Alix had tried really hard to convince her dad to let her stay, but he said he wanted her home now, and that Marinette would be fine. Talk about harsh.

I haven't been able to step foot into Marinette's room, because it's just too much for me. I've looked in her window, it's just I don't know if I could hadle standing right next to her.

It's hard seeing someone you care deeply about with tubes running through them and bits and of them cut open. I would know, I went through it with my mother.

"Adrien" I heard Mr. Dupain speak for the first time in weeks. I feel so bad for him. First his wife and now his daughter, I give him props for staying so strong.

" I've noticed you haven't eaten in days and you look a mess. Go get yourself some food, wash up at the hotel, and take a nap." The hotel? I don't even remember what that looks like, haven't visited there much.

" I don't want to be rude sir but, I could say the same thing about yourself." I spoke. Mr. Dupain shook his head and said that I was his responsibility and my health and cleanliness comes first.

"Alright" I sighed as I stood up off the chair and headed towards the exit.



What the... I thought to myself as I wrapped my self in a towel and noticed that I got a text message from Alya.

Why that little... I guess curiosity got the best of me because, I opened the message and saw that Alya was asking about Marinette.

I can't believe this! I can't believe that she had the audacity to ask about her condition when clearly it was her fault.

To: Alya
Don't you ever text me again! 😠You know exactly how Marinette is doing! Your lucky the school just suspended you, because I could of had your sorry butt expelled! Now delete my number and get a life. ~Adrien

Feeling certain I got the message through to her. I plopped myself on the pullout couch and tried to relax. I finally found a comfy spot and was about to close my eyes when my phone started ringing.

"Hello Adrien speaking" I said as I put the phone to my mouth. "Adrien" Mr. Dupain spoke
"You need to get here now, Mari my angle, she's not doing to well. Her oxygen level is getting dangerously low."

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled into the phone. "I'm on my way now, bye" i shut my phone off and sprung off the couch. I got dressed quickly and rushed out of the hotel. There were tears blocking my vision and horrid thoughts scurrying in my mind. I didn't want to think negatively but I couldn't help myself. I just kept thinking that she was going to die. That the second that I step into that room she is going to take her final breaths and just like that be banished into an unexapable afterlife.

I guess for her it's more of a blessing than it is a punishment.

No stop! you can't think like that. She's not leaving, she can't leave, I won't let her. I shoved open the hospital doors and flew by the front desk ignoring the fact that they told me to stop and come back.

My precious princess I whispered once I entered her room. I saw that they had injected her with more tubs and noticed that she was paler than she was before.

I couldn't take it anymore it was just to much to handle. I collapsed to the ground tears spilling out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I sobbed and sobbed until I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder I looked up and noticed Mari?!

I can't believe it! She's okay! "Oh my gosh Marinette I've missed you so much. You can't ever leave me again." I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms tightly around her. She placed her hands on my cheeks and placed a gental kiss onto my lips.

"Princess you have no idea how long I wanted to do that again." I whispered. "Me too, but um.. Adrien"

"Yeah" I replied "Why are you puckering your lips like that?"

"Because I want another kiss" I replied with a bit of sass, as if it was obvious. " What do you mean another kiss, Adrien wake up"

"What do you mean wake up.....?" My eyes started to flutter open and I realized that Marinette was still lying in the old beat up hospital bed and that Mr. Dupain was in front of me holding an ice pack to my head.

"What happened?" I asked as I took the ice pack from Mr. Duapin's hand. "Well you came in and I guess when you saw Marinette up close you freaked out and fell to the floor. No worries your okay, but I think you may have hit your head a bit hard."

"Oh" I replied sadly. "That's why I had the dream about Marinette " I'm afraid so son, I'm afraid so."

Here you guys go! Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for being so patient I truely appreciate it!💖 I love you guys so much! Your always so positive and supportive! 😁 Just because you guys are the best I am posting to chapters. I'll probably get to the last chapter tommorow any who love you guys!

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