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 I woke up and reluctantly got out of bed and started rummaging threw my closet. I pulled out a red polka dot long sleeved t-shirt so that I could hide my scars from the previous night. I also pulled out black shorts and tights. I slipped on the outfit, combed my hair and pulled it pack into a high ponytail. I headed downstairs greeted my parents and headed out the door. When I got to school, I headed towards the classroom and took my usual seat. I pulled out my sketch book and plugged in my earbuds, allowing the music to influence my sketches. I couldn't help but start to sing as the music flowed in to my ears

I'm not good at reading minds cause I think that mine is lost. I'm not good at reading signs cause I roll right through the stop. I just need a word so that I know you know that I am still here I'm not good at reading mine so just tell me what we got.

Say you hate, say you hate me , just say some , just say something, Say you hate say you hate me, just say an just say anything say you hate say you.......

"Now why would I do that?" I jumped up from my seat and turned to see a beautiful ray of sunshine.. um wait I meant Adrien "Oh um Adrien you scared me I didn't really mean it uhh its just a song." He looked like he was about to question it but instead he just nodded and rested his chin on his knuckles "So should we start sewing the dress today or are you busy" he asked. "Yeah we should "I said as I casually picked up a strand of his hair and started braiding it.

[ Am I the only one that does this to their guy friends with long hair?]

"Adrikins" Oh no not now please. "Oh uh hi Chloe" Adrien said with much enthusiasm.....not "I just saw Nino and I heard that he was looking for you, you should really go see him it seemed important. "Chloe said with a smirk that I wished I had the guts to smack off. " Ohh okay. I'll be right back, okay Marinette?" I looked at him and then at Chloe. I knew that Chloe probably had some sort of mean comment but, I rather not raise any suspicion. "Yeah that'd fine " I said and shooed Adrien out of the classroom.

"Okay Chloe what is it now is it my hair, are my sketches stupid, oh wait I know I am such a disapointment to every one and I should die." Chloe starred at me in shock but. then she qickly recoverd. " Those are your words not mine Mari trash, although your not wrong." She said with a wicked grin. She grabbed me by the colar and brought me way to close to her face. I could see all of her pimples and ugly pores, wow she is caked with makeup. I tried to push her away but, her grip was to strong. No wonder Adrien has a hard time pushing her away. "Chloe let go please" I yelled at her while still struggling to get away from her
"How about no" and with that her hand came into contact with my face and all I could see was black

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