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It had been a month since maman has died. The only time that I leave my room is to go to school. Papa is very worried about me and comes up every once and a while to check up on me. I always tell him that I am fine and just need more time to get used to the fact that maman isn't around any more.

The project Adrien and I were working on was due two weeks ago. We ended up getting an A, but Mr. Agrest ended up picking Chloe's design.

She propably had someone make it for her. There is no way that she has a creative bone her body.

I have to admit her dress was very pretty. It was a short gold dress with an over lay of black lace. There was little black stones that were embroider into the collar of the dress.

My friends are starting to worry about me but, I keep reassuring that I am fine. Chloe's bullying has gotten worse. When ever my friends are in the lunch line she comes over and starts saying really nasty things. I don't understand why she hates me so much, I didn't do anything to her.

If her mission is to make me hate myself then she is doing a good job.

Adrien's POV
(Did you see that coming probably not)

I'm worried about Marinette. She just seems different. Everytime I ask her she just says it's nothing. I'm not going to take it anymore. I want answers and I want them now, well maybe not right now because it's 1 in the morning, but I want them soon. I grabbed my phone knowing that Alya and Nino were still up and shot them a quick text.

Hey guys, have you noticed that something is wrong with Marinette? I want to help her so tommorow how about after school we go to her house?
Sent 1:26 am ~Adrien

Yah, I'm really worried about her!! I am definitely up for it!~Alya

Same goes for me, Mari is like a sister to me, I don't like seeing her hurt.~Nino

Alright glad you guys are on board!! Now I don't know about you but I need my bueaty sleep so.. good night~Adrien

The next day
Marinette's Pov

I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way over to my closet. I pulled out a black hoodie and pink sweat pants. I walked like a zombie down the steps and out into the cruel world. When I got to school I noticed that Chloe wasnt there and let out a sigh of relief.

I sat down at my desk and started to doze off "Hey Mari" I jumped up frightend and then relaxed once I realized that it was Nino. "Oh hey" He looked at me with eyes filled with concern.

I love Nino but not in a romantic way. He is like the brother I never had. Before Alya and Adrien came we hung out all the time. We talked to each other 24/7 I miss that, but I know that I can't tell him what is going on. He will worry to much and I don't want that. Heck none of them no that maman is dead.

" Mari when is the last time that you ate something?" Nino asked with a sound of worry in his voice. " Oh uh yesterday why? " That was a huge lie, to be honest I don't remeber that last time I had anything. "Really Mari, I know that you are lieing. Your as white as a ghost, you have bags under your eyes. Don't give me that crap. We all know that something is wrong and Alya, Adrien and I are going to figure out what!"

I looked at Nino shocked he doesn't ever raise his voice at me " look Mari we all care okay?" And with that he walked away with his head phones on towards his seat in the front.

Uggh, I don't want them to figure out what's wrong!! Why cant they let it go!! I banged my head against the desk a couple of times before the students and the teacher walked in. " Alright class turn to page 167."

Time skip to lunch

"So Mari want to come with us to get some lunch ?" Alya asked " No it's okay I am good, I'll just wait at our spot. " "Alright then" She said as walked towards the line to where Nino and Adrien were.

I headed towards our spot hoping that I would get a couple of minutes of silence. I was wrong. I heard a high pitch voice screeching my name. I could of swarn that she wasn't here, I guess she arrived late.

" Oh Mari-trash nice to see you! Did you miss me?" Chloe said as she plopped her self right next to me" No, what kind of crazy question is that?"

"Well that's a shame any who just came to check on my favorite person. I hope you don't plan on eating anything, Adrien would never love and oversized hippo." Chloe cackled.

Before she left she dumped her mango smothie ontop of my head. " Whoops... forgive me?" I was glad that she left but not glad to have been coverd in mango.

" Marinette hey, what happend?" Chloe thats what happend that spoiled brat dumped her stupid smothie on top of my freaking head. Oh course I couldn't tell them that so I just made up a little lie " These two people were playing with a football and didn't see me and tripped spilling the smothie that uh Rose had given me."

Alya didn't seem totally convinced but didn't bother asking any questions. "Well then lets go get you cleaned up, I have some spare clothes in my locker." I hope that she has something with long sleeves because otherwise she would see my cuts and I don't want that.

" Okay fine" We made our way to her locker and then to the restroom where I changed into the orange sweater and brown sweatpants that Alya gave me. We walked out together and all I hoped was that I could just go home and sleep.

Time skip
After school

Adrien's Pov

" Hello Mr. Dupain where is Marinette?" Tom looked up from the cookie dough that he was currently making and pointed towards the back of the bakery. " In the her room up the ladder" he said blandly as he continued his previous task.

"O...kay?"  I said while making my to Marinette's room I knocked on the door while Alya screamed her name. We didn't hear a response so we just pushed open the hatch. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Welp this has to be one of the longest chapters I have written. I noticed that the previous onces were really short. This chapter is a whopping 1152 words

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