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I just sat there on the floor motionless. I refused to believe what I had just heard. After a while of just sitting there I slowly got up and ran as fast as I could to the hospital. That's right you heard me the hospital.

I busted through the door and demanded to know what room number

My mother Sabine was in. With the answer of 279 I fast walked to the room and shoved the door open. I didn't like what I saw at all. My sweet mother was coverd in bullet shots and blood. I don't understand who would want to to do this to her. My family and I got along with every one in the community.

I looked around the room and spotted papa sitting in the corner with hands in his face, saying things that I couldn't quit make out. " Hey papa " I whisperd gently. "Oh hey sweetie" my father choked out " How are you ?"

How am I oh I don't know my mother is just laying on a hospital bed looking as pale as a ghost! I cant believe he asked such a stupid question. I looked at him with a 'are you kidding me' look and apologized for asking such a ridiculous question. "What happened papa, why is maman like this?" I asked while tears dripped down my face.

" Um Your mother and I had gotten into one of our first arguments in a long time. We said somethings that we didn't mean. I left and said that I needed to cool off, I came back and saw that our customers were crowded around something. I ran in and asked what was wrong. They had such sad expressions on their face. They said that a man barged in shot your mother and grabbed the cashregister full of cash."

"What about the customers how did they avoid the shooting?" I asked " I don't know all I know is that if we hadn't gotten into an argument I could have been there to protect her" Papa cried out tears streaming down his face.  " It's okay papa, If you were there you would have been shot too,  I can't live without both of my parents."
" I just wish that I could of said I love you to her."

" I... Lo...ve ..you" We heard someone make out. " Maman oh maman, I love you please don't go." I am sorry Marinette, I love both of you so much make me proud. I want to see you make it to the big leagues. Become the fashion designer I know that you can. Oh and Tom, I for...gi..ve y..ou."

I couldn't get myself to reread this to check for spelling mistakes If you find any let me know. I'm working on the next chapter right now.  Sorry for sucha sad chapter!😢

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