Falling in Love Famously

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Asher's POV:

I'm not so important. No one notices me at school or at work. I'm surprised that my boss remembers my name. Probably only remembers it because he signs my check every week. I've never been anyone's crush; never had a boyfriend. Why am I telling you this? Because this all changed the day I went to David's Bridal to buy a prom dress.

My dad was a loser but he still cared enough to force me into going to prom. My mom had left us a long time ago and now lives in L.A. as a costume designer for movies and plays. She sends me money every month and a letter but never comes to see me. Over the years I have saved enough for college and found out my mom has an Italian boyfriend named Antonio who has proposed to her.

That's how on a perfect Saturday morning I ended up in the dressing room at David's Bridal. My dad forced me. He was at his store though and had refused to come to the dress store. He said he hated seeing all the dresses and I knew it was because mom had gotten her wedding dress from David's Bridal. Not the fanciest place for wedding dresses, but back then neither of my parents had the money for anything fancy.

I was looking at a bunch of colorful dresses when I heard two girls from my school saying Grant Clarence from all the romance movies and the band The Rebellion was in town.

"Yah he's using the lake and part of the town for parts of his new movie. Do you think he'll come to the mall? Maybe he'll notice us!" I knew the girl who was talking. She was a grade A pain in my butt sometimes. She usually left me alone outside of school. She must be looking for a dress too. I went back to looking at the dresses and tried to ignore the nagging feeling that maybe my mother was here. She told me she wouldn't come back here unless I was dying and clearly I was still alive.

I pulled a purple dress that was one shoulder and had a puffy bottom from the rack. It glittered every time it moved and was soo not my type of dress but I had told myself to keep an open mind. Otherwise I would end up with just one of my old grandma dresses.

I looked a bit more and pulled a puke green dress, a sky blue dress, a wine red dress, and a pastel rainbow colored dress that was short, but cute off the rack as well.

I rushed into a fitting room and pulled my shirt off.

Grant's POV:

"Girls, please I just want to eat my sandwich." I said to around fifteen girls. My body guards were holding them back but if anymore showed up I would have to be swept back to the set and that won't due.

"Grant, could you sign this?" A young girl stuck a pad of paper and a pen in my face.

"Miss, please step away." Rocky, my head of body guards, said sternly. Just then about twenty more screaming girls ran into the small restaurant. I groaned and took off. I was so tired of being a celebrity in moments like this. I ran into the food court and took a left towards all the female stores. Maybe I could lose them in plain sight. I remembered the time where I loved the idea of girls chasing me. I was eleven and my friend Chris and I would run down the street with my baby sister Abbey running after us. She was never this scary and she usually tired out after a few minutes.

My mom and dad were the ones who started posting videos of Chris and I singing and playing instruments on YouTube which got the attention of Margie our manager. We were first called The Chiefs but when our first album didn't sell, Chris changed the name. That was around the time I started getting the leads in sappy romance movies. I was only fourteen then and it was nothing but two kids falling in love but now that I was older it was more like clubs and bars. Not my kind of scene.

I took a right into David's Bridal and ran into the dressing room. I could continue running but it was hard in sandals and loose jeans. I frantically pulled on door handles trying to find a place to hide. Finally I found an open one in the back and slipped in. I closed the door quietly and turned to see a girl. She hadn't seen me yet but that was changing.

She jumped back and held a shirt up to her upper body. She was about to scream but I stopped her. I covered her mouth and listened. At first I didn't hear anything but then I heard many foot falls.

"I saw him run in here. He is either hiding in the dresses or in one of the rooms."

My heart pounded in my ears. They were going to find me. I looked around and saw a bunch of dresses. I had an idea. I turned to the girl who was glaring at me and put on my best pleading face.

"Listen I'm sorry for this. I didn't know someone would be here. Please, let me hide here until they leave. I'll pay for anything you want. Just please don't rat me out." I begged quietly.

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