the battle

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The three teens in the dorm room didn't expect the printer to take so long to build the wand and they definitely didn't plan to fall asleep while it happened

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The three teens in the dorm room didn't expect the printer to take so long to build the wand and they definitely didn't plan to fall asleep while it happened.

Jay was the first one startled awake when the 3D printer beeped to signal it was finished. He smacked Carlos' arm to wake him as well. The De Vil teen was disoriented for a brief moment before they both stood up and pulled the wand from the case.

"Not bad," Carlos commented as he held the lifelike replica in his hands.

Jay nodded and took it from him. "Let's go." He grabbed his jacket from the chair, only stopping briefly by the door. He nudged his head across the room. "What about her?"

Carlos followed his friend's gaze before shaking his head. "Leave her. The last thing we need is another royal twin to get kidnapped on the Isle. Dude, you too. Keep an eye on her." He pointed at the dog who instantly pouted.

"What? No fair!"

"I mean it!" Carlos gave him a stern look before opening the door to leave. Jay followed behind, leaving the princess and the puppy in their dorm room.

It didn't take long for Dude to get frustrated by being left behind. Against his best friend's wishes, he jumped out of his own bed to land next to a sleeping Braelyn who was clutching Carlos' pillow to her chest.

"Psst, hey." Dude sat down inches from her face. "Psst. Pretty girl!"

Braelyn groaned at the noise and blinked her eyes a few times. "Carlos?"

"Oh, he's gone. Left us behind. So much for boyfriends, huh?"

With that, the princess was instantly up and awake, staring at the dog in front of her. "You can talk?" A second passed before she rubbed her face and groaned again. "Oh, I knew you could talk, what am I saying? What do you mean Carlos left?"

"I mean that they're leaving for the Isle, like right now," Dude explained as he huffed.

Braelyn glanced out the window of their room. A flicker of hope lit up inside her as she recognized the limo still down below by the front doors. She stood from the bed and turned to the dog in front of her.

"I think we can catch up to them, but we need to move, and fast."

Dude didn't ask any questions and instead, jumped from the bed into the princess' arms. Braelyn caught him before making her way out into the hallway. She thanked herself silently for choosing heeled boots that wouldn't click against the wood, making her approach almost nonexistent.

Thankfully, neither Carlos nor Jay were near the limo when she walked out the doors. Quickly, she darted into the backseat, figuring it would be easier to hide in than the trunk. Only moments after, Lonnie, Jay, and Carlos climbed in the front seats before the engine started up and the vehicle took off towards the edge of Auradon.

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