the argument

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Braelyn had everything planned out

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Braelyn had everything planned out. If she wasn't allowed to take ownership of decorating the cotillion, then she would handle planning a spectacular date for Carlos. The two hadn't had a date in weeks due to their busy schedules and classes so Braelyn took it upon herself to clear her schedule during Carlos' free time so that the two could have a picnic.

The basket of food and drinks along with a picnic blanket and notebook was sitting on her bedroom floor, ready for her to grab whenever she was ready. Braelyn checked her outfit over one last time before she left her room. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, making her smile. It was a gift that she still got nervous when it came to Carlos. He made her so happy that she couldn't help it.

Currently, the princess was making her way to her brother's office to drop off some notes from Jane about the stained glass artwork for Mal. Her heels clicked against the marble floors as she rushed to her destination. Everything was already in place for the picnic, she just needed to grab Carlos after making her stop.

The large wooden door was cracked open as she neared it, allowing her to see Evie already inside talking to Ben. Braelyn froze before her hand touched the door to knock. Evie never went to see Ben, not unless something was wrong.

"Take me with you." Evie looked anything but pleased at her own suggestion.

Ben turned away from the window to face her, his face hopeful. "Yes! Yes."

"We'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers and none of us are really too popular over there right now," Evie ranted as she paced a bit before turning back towards Ben. "Let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again."

Ben nodded seriously. "I promise."

"Where you guys going?" Braelyn pushed the door open after deciding she had been eavesdropping long enough. Both Evie and Ben froze like deer in headlights at the new voice. Ben's eyes widened at the sight of his sister. He knew this was going to end in an argument, especially when they told her what was going on.

The blonde princess laughed at their expressions. "You guys look like you saw a ghost. What's wrong?" She tossed the notes from Jane on Ben's desk before looking at the two people in front of her. Her eyes landed on the ring and the note in Ben's hand before she looked at them suspiciously. "Where's Mal?"

Ben gave Evie a look before she quickly disappeared out of Ben's office to get the boys. The king approached his younger sister carefully, knowing she would be furious by the time she left his office. "We have to go to the Isle to get Mal."

"The Isle?" Braelyn repeated with wide eyes. "Why'd she go back?"

Ben shook his head as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's not important. Brae, I need you to take care of everything while we're gone."

"No, Ben, are you crazy? I'm coming with you!" She insisted as she began to head back to her room to change.

Ben grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop. "Braelyn, no! You're not coming."

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