the day for family

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Fairy Godmother had sent for Braelyn during her second class of the day

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Fairy Godmother had sent for Braelyn during her second class of the day. It wasn't often that kind of situation occurred but the girl wasn't fearful. Thanks to her private lessons and the role of her family in the school, Braelyn had become fairly acquainted with the headmistress.

She found Fairy Godmother in her classroom. There was a large screen in the middle of the room which wasn't always there. The princess placed her backpack on one of the empty tables.

"Braelyn! Oh, thank heavens." Fairy Godmother popped out from behind the chalkboard. "We've prepared a surprise for the new children."

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?" The blonde asked as she walked up to the front.

Fairy Godmother pushed a few buttons on the screen. "Since their parents can't be here for Family Day, we thought it would be nice to let them have a video chat instead. What do you think?"

Braelyn nodded. "They'll love it, Fairy Godmother. Why did you call me down, though? Is there something wrong with my plans? I can adjust whatever and make sure-"

"No, no, dearest." Fairy Godmother shook her head. "The plans are absolutely amazing. I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the tourney game."

The princess' worried expression faded to one of sadness. "It wasn't anything major. I just wasn't expecting him back."

Fairy Godmother motioned the young girl to one of the chairs nearby. Braelyn sat down and moved her gaze to her lap. The older woman sighed and sat down next to her. "Braelyn, your brother's been telling me how you've been doing."

"Traitor," The twin mumbled as she crossed her arms before breaking into a coughing fit. "Sorry. I think I'm catching a cold."

"Oh, dear. Also, your brother is not a traitor, just concerned," Fairy Godmother corrected with a small smile. "He's looking out for you, sweetheart. Can you blame him?"

Braelyn sighed, "No, but I wish he wasn't always so worried. I can talk to him without there being something wrong, right?"

"Of course, dearest. With what he's told me, I think being friends with the group of villain kids isn't a bad idea." Fairy Godmother placed a hand on her shoulder.

The young girl tensed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ben says you've been burying yourself in paperwork and shutting out your friends. I believe that this group of kids in particular can help you be...what's the word? More outgoing? Rebellious?" Fairy Godmother looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Rebellious?" Braelyn repeated with a laugh. "You want me to be rebellious?"

Realizing her mistake, Fairy Godmother tried to correct herself. "No! Wrong word. Um, extroverted? Yes! That's the one. Extroverted. Get out there and maybe have some fun! I don't want you to waste your years worrying about messing up an event every second."

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