Chapter 54

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It's been a month since I last seen Xzavier , physically of course, he FaceTimes me a little but that's about it. I could tell that he's in agony about this whole ordeal but it's best for the both of us.

I have been missing him of course but every time I find myself wanting to just go over to his home I stop myself , I can't weak about this. I'm the one who thought about this little Arrangement so I have to follow through with it.

Speaking of him , he's calling right now.


"Hey kitten! How are my two girls doing? Do you need anything? I can come by and drop whatever you need off" I laughed lightly from his enthusiastic tone. He's always trying to make a way to get over here , he's adorable.

"No I'm fine baby , how are you?" He sighed and I could almost see the frown on his face.

"I'm not fine" his voice was now defeated. "I miss you so much kitten , when can I see you?" I sighed before answering his question.

"I don't know yet Xzavier, we need more time a-"

"Ugh! I'm trying to be understanding kitten , I really am but me not being next to you is killing me! Especially at this time , you need me and I know our baby wants me there" he was correct , whenever I hear his voice or see his face my mood becomes the happiest I've ever felt. I don't throw up or constantly have cramps, he's like my own personal medicine.

"I know baby and I'm proud of you lasting this long but just a little while more okay , I promise it'll be worth it" I tell him sweetly , he sighed loudly before saying a faint fine.

"And no pouting , I hate when your pouting and I can't kiss it better" I don't know where this motherly side of me was coming from but I knew Xzavier liked it all the more. Usually he's the one who's dominating but now it seems that I have the upper hand , I guess being pregnant does have its perks.

"I know , I'm sorry I just miss you so much. I haven't slept peacefully since you left ,my heart hurts at night once I realize I can't hold you" I wanted to cry so bad , damn these heightened emotions of mine.

"Aw baby it's okay" damn these tears that slipped from my eyes , I was now a sobbing mess telling him how much I'm sorry which he comforted me as always.

"I agreed to this also so there is no need to be sorry kitten. Listen to me , we're going to get through this kitten , I love you please stop crying , for me?" I finally calmed down and listened to his soothing words , he sure does have a way to make me feel okay.

I never knew about him not being able to sleep properly, it never crossed my mind actually. When I sleep I'm out like a light and there is no waking me up unless your Jacob but if not I'm in one hell of a grumpy mood. I guess my baby really likes to sleep.

We talk some more and than end up into our usual conversation every since we started this. Hell ask when I'm going to come see him for at least a day or an hour but I always tell him I don't know to which he's disappointed and angry.

I was still into a very deep discussion with my kitten about our baby girl.

"What if it's a boy?" She'll ask every time I say 'daddy's little girl' to which I reply.

"Don't say things like that , your going to jinx it kitten. How we need to find a name for her but I'm fine with calling her daddy's girl" we'd laugh and talk about what kind of parents we want to be to our child and overall we were going to be a damn good team.

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