Chapter 34

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It's already been a week since the beach party and I've been trying my best to avoid Xzavier.

It's really useless when he just shows up to my house and my parents let him in or when we're at school , he'll just walk right into my class not caring what the teachers think and sits next to me talking my ear off about avoiding him.

Of course I've tried denying it but he can always tell when I'm lying or not. I wish I could take back that night instead of going to that party we should've just went back to his place and watched a movie , anything but what happened between me and Jason.

Don't even get me started in Jason , he's been acting weird also but not the type of weird I thought he would feel once he knew what happened between us. He was smiling more not acting as he was just a couple of weeks ago.

"Autumn honey" I look up from my textbook to greet my mother and her very pregnant belly.

"Yes mom"

"What's wrong you've been looking sad lately" she says worriedly , sitting on my bed.

"It's just you know boy problems" I told her truthfully without saying to much , I could tell my mom anything but right now I have to figure this out before I come out and say it.

" is this about UCL because if it is-"

"Oh my god!" I shout , I totally forgot about college!

With everything going on with Xzavier and I it slipped my mind , I've already applied at the beginning of the school year but now it's coming to an end.

I've been looking forward to going to London and attending this school for years , I want the beat education and it's in London what more could I ask for. Me and Matt applied here together in hopes that we get in and start our lives together but that was then.

"What's the matter!" My mom asked startled by my outburst.

"I forgot mom , I totally forgot about my dream school"

"That's What Love can do to a person , that letter should be here any day now and I want you to study really hard because I know that you are the most intelligent daughter anyone could ask for. No doubting yourself or you'll have to deal with me and your dad.... oh and Jacob" I smile a little at her comment , my mom was truly the best and I love how much she supports me.

Though she did cry when I told her I wanted to move to London but she got over it and supported me the whole way through.

"I will mom I promise" I hug her carful not to squeeze little Jacob"

"How did Xzavier take it?"

"I actually haven't told him that I was planning on leaving for London"

"Autumn that boy is crazy about you if you just up and leave without even saying anything he'd be heart broken , the only heart breaker in this house will be Jacob"

"I know mom but I don't want to hurt him"

"I understand but I think he has a right to know , you two look like your in love and I'm happy for you sweetie I really am but you've set your future and made those plans I just hope that you decide what's right for you. Either it is to stay here with him or go to London I will always support you baby" I smile and hug her to me once more.

Her touch is like a favorite blanket she's warm and loving I believe that a mother's touch is the greatest thing in the world.

She gets up and leaves while I sit in my room stuck in my thoughts. This just adds on to my plate of problems I don't know what I'll tell Xzavier or if he'll accept the fact that I'm leaving.

Will we break up or will we make the long distance relationship work?

Thoughts roam my brain , I just want to cry at this point it's already to much hurting him with his own brother now I'm going to hurt him even more.

I'll make this time with him last until I get this later , I can't ignore him and then the letter comes saying I got in or even if it doesn't I'm not 100% sure it's a fifty, fifty chance I got in and I'll make that count for something. For us.

I'm going to London if I got in though , I can't give up the school I've dreamt about every since I stepped in high school. It's a great school in a wonderful place where I'll be living on my own experiencing life for the first time.

I just hope he takes this well.

I decided to call him  and break this silence I've been giving him.

"Hey kitten I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, what are you doing right now"

"Nothing just home bored wishing you were here"

"Uh.. do you mind if I spend the week at your place" I ask him , he makes a bunch of sound in the background before I hear his voice again.

"I'll be there in five"

"But that's like a twenty minute drive"

"I've got a fast car kitten hurry up and get ready , I love you"

"I love you too" I hang up the phone.

I walk into my closet packing all the clothes I'll need for my week with my boyfriend, I want this to be a great week for us actually every damn day until that letter comes and after that as well.

As promised five minutes later my dad answered the door for Xzavier, they greeted each other and decided to talk a little while I continued to get ready.

Once I was done I told my parents about my week with Xzavier and we were off.

"I'm glad your staying at my place kitten ive missed you so god damn much" he grabs my hand and places a kiss to the back of it.

"I've missed you too , now let's have some fun because I need it"

"As you wish" he stops at a red light , he leans over and places a kiss on my lips for a while until the light turned green.

I don't think I could ever get tired of this boy he's so freaking adorable and our time together is the best doesn't matter if it's just the two of us we make our own fun. And I love him for that.

I turn my head his face analyzing the smile that's on his face , I know I'm the cause of it and it makes me feel sad and happy at the same time.

I hope I'm making the right decisions by leaving.

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Autumn's leaving Xzavier!!!!😩

Will see stay or will she go?🤔😂

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