Chapter 51

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I'm having a baby! We're having a baby!

My nerves were shot I never thought... I didn't expect that I would.... wow , I don't believe that this all is happening so fast.

Am I even going to be a good mother? What if it needs something and I cant... ugh why does this have to be so complicated.

On one hand I love the fact that I'm having Xzavier's baby and that we are going to get married and start our lives like we planned , it could be great having him and this baby. On the other im scared... I'm scared that if I have this baby I'm not going to be any good as a mother , I'm still a teenager I only just turned eighteen a day ago and now I find out that I'm three weeks pregnant! Talk about a day.

After I've talked to a doctor that wasn't my mom nor dad about pregnancy and appointments that I would need to attend to check and see if I'm doing well I finally am able to go home. Xzavier was right beside me the whole entire time asking questions and over the top excited and I was too ,but it was still apart of me that wasn't sure.
"Your Okay to walk" my vet concerned fiancé asked me with worry evident in his eyes.

"Yes baby , I'm fine"

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you because-"

"I'm fine , it's not like I'm going to pull a muscle and hurt the baby" I said it to be dramatic and sarcastic but instead that only caused panic to rise because his face went pale and he swooped me up with no problem.

"Xzavier!" I squealed as he held me in his arms , I wiggled around trying to get down but he still didn't put me down so I just let it go until we got to his car where he not only sat me down but placed my seat belt on me carefully.

"Okay ,first I'll drop you off to your parents so you can get some clothes but after we're going to that doctors office" I sighed knowing that he was right, the doctor at the hospital told us to go as soon as we were able and to Xzavier that meant now but I needed a shower first , I smelt of hospital.

I haven't really thought of how this will affect my parents and told my mom that we weren't sexually active and now here I am pregnant. It was so awkward hearing my dad telling me that I was pregnant, I can't believe that i didn't notice this before probably because of all the drama that was happening I forgot but still I should know my own body and changes.

My father for one looked as if he seen a ghost and my mom was a mix of emotions. She cried and she smiled and told us congratulations but than she was deep in thought, I have to say me and her shared the same feelings towards his whole thing.

Going inside of my home Xzavier carried me up the stairs and went as far as taking me a shower and putting on my clothes, yes it did feel good but still he needs to chill just for a day so I can wrap my head around this. When we finally get inside of the doctors office I had to sign a packet of papers and wait for my name to be called, this took thirty minutes of Xzavier going on and on to everyone on the phone about us being parents. It was so adorable seeing him this excited about our baby.

We finally got called back to a little area where it looked to be doctors and a lot of pregnant people, some where teenagers like me and some where grown women. I didn't know whether to be happy that I wasn't the the only young person here or to be scared of what's to come.

"Are you Autumn and Xzavier?" I lady came up to us , I know she knew who Xzavier was because who doesn't.


"Come with me" she lead me to a restroom where she handed me a cup and told me to pee inside. Ugh this is so embarrassing, I've never had to do this before but it's for the baby so I had to.

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