Chapter 30

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Making her face dad is absolutely the worst idea. Dad is a walking time bomb. We coached her in everything we can to prevent her from ticking dad’s patience, but everyone who knew my dad knows that he’ll go off at any and all reason when he’s angry. Especially now that his case would just walk up to him. He’s bound to get ticked off with just seeing her. No amount of tips can prevent that from ever happening.

But we’ve established the fact that it was the only way. No amount of reasoning from other people will satisfy dad. He will eventually find her, and he will get his way with her. That would put us in a worse position. At least this way, we have some form of shock absorber when he goes off.

It’s still stupid. Why did dad have to be prick a about her? Even Sam admits that she didn’t like working in the place, but it’s not like she had other good options. Nowadays you can’t even get a decent paying job when you don’t know anybody. And Sam is a nobody, so what happens to her then? She was just a victim, and she’s still being victimized. Now not only by the society that created her but also by the people that should be helping her.

“Dean?” she interrupted my thoughts. “No matter what your dad do, I’ll fight for you.”

I feel an even bigger loser right now. She’s the one who will be facing the firing squad right now, and I’m the one needing the pep talk. I somehow believe that not only was making her face dad the worst idea, but also making her face dad with me beside her. I’m a train wreck right now. I’m not a picture that can inspire someone to toughen up.

“Nothing is going to happen.” Was all I could say to her. That wasn’t true even at the slightest bit, but it was the best I can come up with to not make her lose confidence.

She tightened her grip on my arm, and I feel mine answering it back with my own.

“Sam?” I asked tentatively.


“Why don’t we just run away?”

I broached this idea last night, and it seemed to be the best one that I can come up with. This way we can get away from dad and all of this trouble. Hopefully, it will also mean a new beginning for Sam. With two of us facing the world, it might turn out to be the greatest thing to happen to both of us.


“Run away. To another city, state or even country, I don’t know where. But just out of here.”

“Where are you going with this Dean?”

“Let’s leave this place. Live on our own. I’ll work double jobs, work over time during the weekend while you study. I can leave school for a moment until you finish and…”

“Dean, no.”


“I said no.” She said more firmly. “I know what exactly what you’re saying, and I’m not going to do it again. I did what you’re suggesting and I’m only a bit better than before. I’m not allowing you to do this.”

“It’s better than what’s waiting for you Sam.”

“Maybe, but not for you. I’m not going to drag you into that, willing or not.”


“Do this for me Dean. I don’t want to run away. I don’t want to feel guilty about something I don’t even have to feel guilty of.” She pleaded. “Please Dean, do this with me. I don’t want to do it alone.”

She’s right. She did it before, and currently living it still. Senior year is about to end and she’s about to graduate, maybe even with honors; that is if she graduates. But even then, if we do run away, we won’t get far either. We did that before too, and now we’re crawling back.

It's Just High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora