Chapter 29

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Silence. Not a word, not a breath and not even a violent reaction from one of them.

As soon as we entered our room, Leila had started asking Sam. Jason and the others had equally been curious on what the deal is and I have listened to them ask away questions at Sam. I sat beside Sam as she answered each one and she held my hand each time the difficult ones came.

Everyone in here deserves an explanation. But even if that was the case, I would really prefer that they don’t get it. It was because it would only be Sam that should give it, and that requires her recalling every ugly moment she had to go through all her life to answer them. It’s difficult for her, I know for sure, because when I was an asshole who asked answers from her and she gave them, an eighteen pile car crash had better enthusiasm than her face has.

But she still volunteered to answer them regardless. I offered to her that I should instead answer for her, but she insisted that they deserve the answer coming from her. They do, much to my own chagrin but the answers they were asking for can still be answered by me. It wouldn’t make any difference since they’ll be satisfied all the same. But Sam was stubborn, and I caved in and said yes because she also told me that it was time she faced them.

“That’s messed up.” Jason said breaking the silence.

Leila stood up and hugged Sam. So did Leila, Camille and Heather. I left them at the couch to give them a little space, but I was still able to hear a few of the things they said to each other.

“We’re sorry. We’re really sorry.” Camille said while hugging Sam.

“You don’t need to be, you had nothing to do about it.” Sam said.

“It’s not that.” Camille said as she released Sam from her arms. “We always thought you were dirt that’s why you deserved to be bullied. I never knew you have such a hard life. I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing.   You didn’t mean to.”

“How could you tell?”

“Dean’s always with you. He never would have lasted if you were a bitch.”

That t is true. If Camille acted more like Kendra, I would have dropped out of the group in a heartbeat.

Camille gave a faint smile. “I’m not so sure about that anymore.”

“But I am. I know you’re not.”

The two smiled at each other. Something tells me that meant a lot more than how it looked, and a deeper understanding about each other.

I have a feeling that they wanted to talk more so I stood up and joined Jason.

“So what are your plans now?” Jason asked me.

“I don’t have any.” I answered him.

“So what now?” He asked me.

“We wait.”

We wait. That’s all I could do at this point. It’s all I could do actually. From the time dad made his move, it was all I could do. We wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for my siblings saving my ass. If I were left alone to move, we wouldn’t have even made it the next day.

At this point though, I think it was time that we face dad. I could only side step him for so long, and even if no one is telling me, even my siblings are stretched far enough. I only went through with their suggestion because I thought dad’s blood will cool down over time. With how things are progressing though, I can tell that his blood is boiling more. Anymore delay will provoke him to extend his influence further. That will put Sam in a more compromising position. I can’t have that.

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