Chapter 9

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Even though I understand why she has no plans for Christmas break, I still feel bad that she doesn’t have any. She needed someone. After hearing her story, there was no doubt that she should have someone beside her even if to just spend it on a couch with her. And I want it to be me.

As much as I want to be there for her, I can’t. My relatives will be coming in for the holidays and it’s not something I just can skip easily. The worst part is that I can’t be beside her during those times where it’s the happiest nor can she be there. Since we were going to be the host family, I would have to always be there for whatever whenever. It’s too depressing to know that at Christmas time, no one’s there to greet her and no one’s there beside her. This Christmas is going to rock and suck at the same time.

But even if I can’t be there for her, I want her to know that she can always run to me if she needs me. And if it calls for it, I’ll go the extra mile to be there at her side when she asks me to. I’ll face whatever shit storm dad will throw at me for running on like that. I’m sure the family would understand. Hopefully nothing like that happens, but if it ever does, I’ll go to her. I’ll be there for her.

And so for that, I worked extra hard for this day. It’s the last day of classes for the year, and we won’t be seeing each other until next year. I want her to know that I want her to remember the last day of school for this year would be awesome. I want to at least see her happy end the year. It was the only thing I could do for now.

“Where are you taking me Dean?” Sam asked me, noticing that we’re not taking the usual route for her work.

Ever since that day at the café when she cried, I found the courage to take her to work. I haven’t asked her yet what she does, and it still brings shivers at the thought of where she works in some of her days, but whoever she is, I accept it.

“You’re not going to work today.” I answered her.

“Just because you treat me lunch means you can order me around. I have to make a living Dean, so please, stop the car, and I’ll go to my work.”

“No.” I said firmly.

“I’ll jump out if you don’t.”

I expected her to say something like that so I prepared something in return. “I’ll pay you double for today. So sit still.”

Yeah it is an effective move and it certainly would shut her up. But for the record, it wasn’t something I did because I look to her like a money hungry friend. I did it because she did need to work on Christmas break. I was only concerned. Very concerned more likely because I thought of giving my entire life savings but she wasn’t keen on taking that much help. She’ll go over the whole ‘what do you need from me’ routine again and it would certainly ruin the mood. That, and the fact that my dad would scream his head off when he finds out was also factored in.

She took in a deep breath as if planning to retaliate, but instead she just looked out the window. She knows she can’t win, and I love that she’s admitting it to herself.

“Don’t give me that smile Dean. I can see you from here. I’ll go because of the money, not because I like to be around you.”

It sounded like a lie, but it felt like a lie, and when I looked over, I know it was a lie. I wouldn’t rub it in her that I know she likes what I’m doing but I felt like teasing her. “But you have to admit, I’m not so bad around.”

“Just drive.”

My smile widened at that retort. She wouldn’t admit that I’m not so bad, but I can tell that she wants me around. It may also be wrong of me to assume that she likes the idea of a surprise. We don’t know each other that much and this is the first time I’ve done something like this for her. But if you look over her side, there is no mistaking that there is a little curve forming in that delectable lips of hers. Call me marshmallow, but if you managed to make the ice queen smile, I’m sure everyone’s heart would melt at how warm it is.

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