Chapter 16

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Leila, Trisha, Nina, Bradley and Christian bonding with Sam is definitely the best I have in my life. It’s going to be hard to top that one on my list since I hadn’t really expected Sam to warm up on them easily. But I still couldn’t forget the night for another reason; dad and mom.

They have that look serious look on their faces the entire night, and from observation, it was that which means they were something serious. Something really serious. Whenever those eyes of theirs had settled on, we see serious stuff happening, and I couldn’t help but think that it was about Sam. She was the only one in there that could have given something to think about. The thought of mom and dad’s influence gave me a nervous shudder, because I had seen firsthand how dad takes things very seriously. The only thing that kept me from thinking about this too much is that dad and mom never used their influences to bring down someone. Dad ordering Sam to spend the night was also a good indication that they have nothing against her. He doesn’t let someone inside the house long if he wants to smack him right out the door.

Instead of thinking about it too much, I diverted my thoughts to Sam on the passenger seat. She looks as blank as ever, but she carries that feeling that it was nothing to get worried about. It might have been due to last night’s open session and this morning’s little cook-off.

Leila and Trisha had been making breakfast this morning with her and Bradley as always, had made it as annoying as possible for me by hitting on Sam. If I didn’t know any better, he was putting some serious moves on her. If I didn’t know his history with his fiancée I would have stabbed him senseless with the butter knife. Christian surprised me when he actually talked longer than a few sentences with Sam, even going so far as asking for help on something. Nina woke up late and was just glad there was food on the table thanking Sam in the middle when I told her too. I, for the lack of a vocabulary had sat silently in the kitchen counter watching them cook and talk. In between, she gave me stolen glances which I graciously returned.

Seeing her cook was one thing, seeing her cook after she had just woken up was another. This was the side of her that was hidden from me, and if I hadn’t invited her, I wouldn’t have been able to take interest on it. And it was a simple act. Those little things definitely highlight my interest of her.

But I realized that even if she was open about her history, something still bothered me. Where is she working?

When I made one last turn towards the parking lot, my train thought was cut short towards Sam again. Her back suddenly stiffened and her aura became tensed. I looked around to see what could have made her act like that and noticed a few eyes glared towards our direction. I wasn’t one for attention and even I suddenly felt something stab my back, telling me something was off. I killed the engine as soon as I parked it and Sam and I walked over to our lockers. Since mine was nearer, I let Sam get over to hers.

“Don’t stand in front of your locker.” Someone whispered behind me.

I looked over to where the voice came from and saw someone running for the corner. I was about to just ignore the warning when he gestured to me that I should step aside when I open my locker. I decided to humor him and stepped to my side before I opened up. When the door opened, all my things came spilling. Gary got caught in the mayhem. He was about to say something to me, but he seemed to have hold-up on that, probably because I looked pissed over my things on the floor.

“Sam’s dealing with her own too.” A different voice whispered behind me, a female voice.

“What?” I asked her when I turned around. It was one of the nerds I don’t know.

“Don’t worry, she handled it better.” She answered back. She walked away after that, almost in a hurry, her books clutched closely to her body.

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