Chapter 13 - Soon

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Gary's POV

The guy and the girl beside him left us to where we stood, leaving our mouths hanging, we returned our fainted Pokemons, then we went back to where the girls are sitting, I kept murmuring and muttering some words, thankfully, the noise is not enough for them to hear.

But still, I believe this! I can't believe it! That guy just merely defeated us, with that beautiful girl! I can't accept this! I want a revenge for that guy! I can't accept the fact that he defeated us, even if it's a 5 vs. 2 battle, I'm so gonna meet him in the semi finals, and when I do, that's when I'll get back my revenge! He's gonna a pay for that! I kept walking around, trying to calm myself down. Because the loss is still bugging me.

Dawn : Gary calm down.

Me : How can I calm down?! That guy just defeated us! It's a 4 vs.1! That Gallade vs. our pokemons! And the attacks didn't even do a thing to Gallade! And he even turn it's back to us! Leaving our mouths hanging!

May : You want him to spat on you? Rise his ego at you? Yell at you that you lose the battle?

May does have a point, I didn't thought of that...I bowed my head and apologized. They are now calming me down, the others, nah, they already accepted the fact, but they also don't believe that that guy defeated us. Hoe can be that guy so strong anyways? And where does he and that girl got their shiny Gardevoir and Gallade? They are really mysterious.

Other people are now leaving, after watching that battle, that battle is really embarrassing to us, we were known as the great battlers of Kalos, and we were just defeated by a mere, unknown guy, who is he anyways? I've never got his name and that girl's name. And maybe, Nurse Joy is talking about them, the time we asked her if she sees some strong-looking trainers. Now we've got to train, because once we meet him again, I'm gonna win.

Serena : What's with those auras anyways?

Come to think of it, the moment they were released on their pokeballs, they cried and then those auras are flowing around them, is that really what happens if your Pokemon is a shiny one? I don't know.

Misty : And more importantly, where did they come from?

May : I heard that participants here came from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos.

Brock : I didn't see anyone with their Pokemons like that in Kanto.

Misty : Likewise.

May : Me either.

Dawn : So does Sinnoh.

Trip : I haven't seen anyone with Pokemons like that at Unova.

Serena : And Kalos, I think I didn't see one.

Me : How about this, we will ask Nurse Joy about the participants.

The others agreed at me, then we went to the registration booth, thankfully, Nurse Joy is still there, then we ran to her and then asked her the question.

Trip : Nurse Joy, can we ask you something?

Nurse Joy : Wait a sec...Okay done, what is it?

Dawn : Nurse Joy, where does these participants came from?

Nurse Joy : Not to be rude but, why do you ask?

Misty : Nothing, just curiosity Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy : Let me check... Participants came from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and... Alola.

May : Alola?

Trip : What's that place?

Nurse Joy : It's a region consisting of four islands, that's what I know.

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