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A/N: Chapter 16 is up, forgive me for the late update, it's been a little hard these past few months. I was also suffering from 'creative constipation' (If there is such a word, LOL!) But its really nice to be back in writing! Without further ado, here it is.

I forgot to mention this part will be focusing  a bit on the family drama



Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. BAAAAM!!

Diana slammed the alarmed clock's button before it can even make that sound she dreaded so much in the morning. She groggily tried to sit up and placed another pillow on top of the one she was lying on, before leaning in against it.

She stared at the wall and sighed in resignation, knowing what day it was. It was the day before the actual day, her birthday. And as a self-made tradition, this was the day she'd plan to enjoy herself. At least she tried. Because to her, birthdays were a painful reminder of how pathetic her situation was and how no one really cared. In fact, her birthdays always pass unremarked.

But she didn't like to dwell on that "woe is me" situation, she had been used to it, but it never meant that she doesn't get a little depressed.

Knowing her to pay had come in a few days ago, she had made plans and asked for a one and half-day off from her boss, which means she still has to work this morning but the afternoon and the next day would be free. Moreover, she had booked a table at some Michelin star restaurant to celebrate her special day all by herself.

She crawled out of her blanket and arranged the numerous pillows on top of the puffy quilt of her bed, before folding the blanket and placing it on top of the pillow.

For a moment, she considered a slice of toasted bread and egg, and maybe coffee, but she did not want to run into Isaac. Out of so many days, this day just had to be his day-off.

Opening the door slightly ajar, she took a peek of the hallway if there were any signs of him. She knew it was still early for him to finish his run, but who knows? The more she avoided him, the more he unexpectedly comes out of nowhere.

Closing the door, she decided that it was still a little too early to get breakfast. Besides, she didn't really want to go out wearing her pyjamas or smelling like bed hair.

She goes through the motions of bathing, grooming and dressing for the office before heading out of her room.

Much to her relief, there was no one around the hallway. She quickly runs out of her room, heading downstairs towards the kitchen. She knew that he could arrive at any time, which is why she needed to cook and eat as quick as she can, because if she does end up running into him, she would have to explain her awkward behaviour and why she had been avoiding him for the past few weeks. Of course, Isaac wasn't stupid to notice that she had been 'scarce' lately.

The kitchen, much to her relief was empty. His shoes weren't in the foyer, which means he hasn't come back from his run.

She brewed some coffee beans in the coffee maker, and waited for it, unfocused, looking at the usual view that the kitchen window provided. Blue coloured sky with the mix of orange and the subtle, low humming of cars in the neighbourhood.

And suddenly, the sound of the kitchen door opening from behind made her almost jump out of her skin. She looked behind her to find Isaac, wearing his red and black running gear. He smiled at her as he took off his thermal beanie, revealing his hair that was ruffled. He ran a graceful but strong hand through his hair and it fell back into the place he wanted it.

A True Gentleman [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now