NINE - Falling For Dr.Skovgaard

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A/N: Chapter 9 is up! Please don't forget to click 'like' if you like the story, to show your support to your favourite authors or the stories that they write which catch your fancy.


OC - Diana Ellwood Rutherford
Dr. Isaac Skovgaard - Mads Mikkelsen

Additional Cast:

Rafa Skovgaard - Mikael Persbrandt
Lucas Breckenridge - Martin Freeman
Thomas Harrington - Tom Hiddleston
Ben - Benedict Cumberbatch


Falling for Dr.Skovgaard

Diana woke up the next morning and winced in pain, after yawning. It was then that she remembered her bruised cheek and busted lip. She got up from her bed and sighed. Heading to her bathroom, she looked at her cheek and found the bruises and blood spots getting darker every day. It was going to take more than a week for her contusions to heal, according to the doctor. That also meant that she would have to do the tedious task of putting on a large amount of concealer on her face.

With a heavy sigh, she began her daily routines, taking a bath, brushing her teeth, getting dressed, and etc. Afterwards, she immediately headed downstairs to prepare breakfast. It was a weekend morning after all. Isaac would either be out for his morning jog, or to the farmer's market, leaving the house and especially the kitchen, all to herself.

Once she reached the kitchen, she began washing the pans and made herself some eggs, mixing it with cheese, paprika and chorizo. She quickly left it aside to brew herself a pot of coffee and toast a number of bread slices.

She planned to overeat, there was no doubt about it. She finished cooking in no time and left the empty pan at the sink, making a mental note to wash it later.

As she was about to dig in, she heard the front door of the house open, causing her to flinch.

"Oh boy..." she muttered under her breath, she knew she was going to get caught.

"Planning to overeat aren't we?" Isaac said as he walked in inside the kitchen, carrying some warm paper bags he had bought from the farmer's market. He gave her a knowing smile, which caused her to chuckle. He then placed the paper bags on top of the counter and then his expression changed "You have guest..."

Her brows furrowed in worry, as she got up, and followed Isaac to the living room.

Much to her chagrin, there were two police officers seated at the living room, expecting her. One was a woman, the other a man. They looked at her sadly, upon seeing the large bruising on her face.

"Hi, good morning Ms. Rutherford, I'm Sergeant Hatfield and this is Sergeant Alden," the female officer stood up and shook her hand cordially, and the other gave her a smile.

"Uhhmmm... what's this about?" she asked nervously, as she sat down at the other side of the sofa. Dr. Skovgaard was standing near the console table with a worried expression on his face.

"Nothing to be alarmed about Mr.Rutherford, we just need to talk to you about what happened at the Pearson's manor." Sgt. Hatfield said.

"Uhhmmmm do you want coffee or toast? I made lots of them..." she said quickly, walking out of the living room before they could even say anything. She was not ready to talk about the incident, she knew that it would re-open bad memories.

"But Ms.Rutherford-" Sgt. Alden wanted to say something, but it was heard on deaf ears.

Once she reached the kitchen, she wasted no time and poured two mugs of coffee and gave it some condensed milk as a sweetener.

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