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A/N: Before anything else, I really am sorry that I'm only writing now. I guess the past few years of stress and overworking have finally taken their toll on me. I was recently diagnosed with 'Hypothyroidism' and I end up sleeping way too early than my supposed bedtime because I get tired real quick. Getting to the point, I think I've become like a Koala bear who only wakes up to eat. Nonetheless, I still like writing, and I am trying to get back into writing, so here I am writing another story. Chapter 18 is up! Reality bites Diana.



When Isaac and Diana arrived home, they heard voices coming from the kitchen as they entered from the back door. Isaac sighed and wanted to facepalm himself when he realized that his daughters weren't done setting up the surprise meant for Diana.

The two women were still busy arguing about decorations that they did not notice their father, and their best friend enters the room. Diana chuckled and took the birthday trumpet and blew the horn, getting both their attention.

The two siblings snapped their heads in the sound's direction, only to realize that their supposed surprise was no longer a surprise.

"Dad!" the siblings complained in unison. Allegra facepalmed herself whilst Olivia continued complaining. " You had one job, Dad! One job!"

Isaac raises his hands in surrender and uttered a word of sorry.

"It's alright..." Diana assured both of them, it was the effort that counts after all.


That night after her birthday party, not wanting to be alone with Isaac, Diana quickly retreated to her bedroom after his daughters left. She didn't want to be disturbed or be reminded of the bet they had agreed on earlier. Moreover, the birthday party being thrown for her felt strange. It's just not something she was used to.

She sits down at the sofa that was next to the window and lounges there for a while. She was tired of living as a 'victim', desperate for approval, and begging for affection and love that vowed to take charge of her life more actively from now on and stop depending on Isaac.

The first step would be finding a new apartment, as she needed to get away from him and let go of her feelings out of respect for her Allegra, and Olivia. Second, she needed to get herself in the right frame of mind and be more self-sufficient, emotionally and mentally. The third step is getting a job or create her own startup since she has a bit of money.

With a newfound purpose, she strengthened her resolve and promised to start the next day.


Because she had promised to meet up with Alric for lunch, she needed to leave the house, which means she had to go out of her room and see Isaac. The thought of possibly meeting him downstairs dreaded her. So she thought of another way to get out of her room and leave the house without getting caught, and that was leaving through her bedroom window.

She was glad that her bedroom window was facing the back garden where the fence had a door for her to exit. Not only that, but she also secretly placed a wooden ladder and disguised it as decoration, so it would be easier for her to climb down.

With a sigh and her bag and shoes in her other hand, she climbs down the ladder. It felt like she was a teenager running away from her guardian. When she reached the ground, she quickly put on her shoes and ran to the door of the fence.

She felt some sort of victory when she left without being caught and decided from now on to use the window, no matter how inconvenient it would be.


"Happy Birthday, Diana!" Alric exclaimed, and gives her a warm hug, and hands her a gift bag, followed by an envelope.

"Thank you, Alric! but you really didn't have to! celebrating it with me is enough!" she assured.

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" her bother encouraged.

She looks at the bag and the envelope curiously, before deciding on opening the envelope first. She smiles at her brother, expecting it to be a greeting card, with a touching message inside, but what she found was something else.

" You registered me for JUDO classes?" she scratches her head, it was one of the most unique gifts she received.

"Yes" was his answer.

"But why?"

" Because I'm worried about you, Diana... I don't want you to be beaten and bruised again. I just want you to be able to be strong enough, stand up for yourself effectively, and feel safe " he appealed to her, knowing that she might be hesitant about the class.

Diana leaned back to her seat and smiled at her brother. She knew that he had been worried about her ever since he found out about the toxic relationship she had with her ex. "Thank You, Alric! I really like this gift... In fact, I'm already excited to join the classes!"

"And one more thing... I'd hate to ask you this... but I just need to confirm it, you wanted to move to a new place because of Isaac?" he asked hesitantly, but his curiosity got better of him. He was the first one to know as he was also the first and only one Diana had told.

"Yes..." was her answer.

"Did he do anything wrong?" his voice hardened.

"No!" was her quick reply. Not wanting Isaac to be wrongly accused of anything.

"Then? Why? You like Dr Skovgaard, shouldn't you be happy that you're living with your 'crush'? But seriously, why? Women who fancy him would definitely envy your situation! "

"Alric..." she chuckles, and then sighs. " That is exactly why I need to get away from him. I'm in love with the man..."

Alric kept silent and didn't know how to respond to his sister's full admission of her feelings.

" Yes... exactly? you're in love with the man! why do you want to leave?" was his question after a few moments of silence.

"Look Alric, first of all, Isaac will never look my way and that hurts..."

"Don't be like that! You're-"

"Let me finish..." she said quickly cutting him off. " The man definitely sees me as his niece or daughter. Knowing that we will be nothing more than that... it hurts like hell." she pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath, feeling the tug in her heart.

"Second, even if it is an impossible scenario... that he has affections for me too... I will lose my friendship with Allegra and Olivia, and I can't bear for that to happen. Me, pursuing their father, will be seen as a 'betrayal of their trust'. In whatever angle you look at it, a best friend of yours suddenly dating your father does not look good,"

Alric sighed. Though he rooted for his sister and Isaac, everything she had just said was on point. It doesn't matter if Isaac and she are consenting adults, it doesn't matter if their intentions are pure. It would be his sister who would be on the losing end.

He reaches for her hand and squeezed it. "Alright, I'll help you..."

A/N: I will do some soft editing because I probably have made some grammatical errors along the way.

Also, one more thing. I know you think this chapter is a little sad. But we needed to approach the reality of what will happen if she were to date, Isaac. But I would still love what you guys think, your input in approaching this will be a great help!

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