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A/N: Chapter 15 is up! We focus on Isaac and his past. I'm sure a lot of you wants to know more about him.

I'm really sorry guys for the late update. I really am drowning in paperwork (TT___TT). But don't worry, I'll do my best to update more often.


The Past

"Diana?" Alric called, taking her of her reverie.

"Huh?" Diana snaps her head to her brother's direction and found out that they had already arrived at their respective tube station.

"We're here, Let's go before the train closes!" He says, whilst nudging her shoulder, and running to the open train doors.

She quickly gets up from her seat and follows her brother out of the train. By the time they were out of the station, the sky began to drizzle. Alric opens his umbrella, while she looks for her raincoat inside her bag.

"Let's go get some flowers and candles, I saw a flower shop nearby..." he suggests, pointing to the shop.

"Candles? I don't think that's possible, it's drizzling..." she points out, as they walk along the wet pavement.

"We can buy a cover for it, to shield it from the rain..." he suggests.

"Alright then..." she agrees.


"It's in here..." she said, motioning for Alric to follow along. He adjusts his umbrella and the bouquet of flowers in his arms. They slowly approach a bright clearing, filled with large, rounded stones, and urns. They walked past a series of stones until reaching a small urn, that stood on top of a small niche.

Her brother shields the small urn from the rain, before placing the candles on the side and looking for a lighter to light them.

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, mulling over how long has it been since the miscarriage.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't there when you needed me..." he said apologetically.

"It's alright Alric... it wasn't your fault. You didn't know..." she said, slightly leaning forward to touch the urn of her child that died due to miscarriage.

"So you named him 'Blythe'..." he said, thinking why would his sister name the child she lost, 'happiness'/ ' joy'.

A smile forms on her lips, as she traces the surface of the urn. "I was only able to name him after he died... I should've done so earlier..." there was a hint of regret in her voice. " As for 'Blythe', I gave him that name because he was the only one that gave me joy during those tough times," she said, referring to her past relationship. "I was so happy every time he responded and kicked. I was happy that a life was growing inside me..." she recalls, remembering the time when her unborn child gave her happiness, hope, and the courage she needed. "I want to remember him this way..." she said, whilst quickly brushing the tear that slid down from her eye before her brother could even notice.

He knew that there was nothing that he could say to comfort her. What she needed was 'silence' and a bit of space. So instead, he squeezes her shoulder as a sign that he understood her.

They stand there in comfortable silence, as the rain began to subside. Alric took out a small bottle of unopened liquor from his bag, and pours its contents down the smooth surface of the urn, whilst his sister watches quietly.

"Thank you, Alric..." she said weakly, as he empties the contents of the bottle. 


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