Fall From Heaven

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479er and another soldier were in the hanger bay of the Mother of Invention. The soldier was moving a crate as 479er was fixing something on her Pelican. She then sees where the soldier is putting the crate and corrects him. 

"No, no! This one goes here, that one goes there." The trooper grunts in annoyance. Carolina, York, North Dakota, and South Dakota walk into the hangar talking. 

"We ready?" Carolina asks. 

"Just about. Running final checks now." 

"Alright, you heard her! Everyone onboard!" Carolina motions towards the Pelican. 

"C'mon D. Let's go. It's about time. Let's get this mission goin'." Delta follows York towards the Pelican. 479er then notices the green AI. 

"Woah, woah, woah. Hang on a minute, what is that thing?" She points at Delta. 

"This is Delta. Our new addition." York explains. 

"Your new addition is pretty small." 

"I said the same thing." Wash chuckles. 

"Delta is a computer program. He helps us figure stuff out. He's an A.I." 

"Oh A.I. huh? What's the A stand for?" 479er asks sarcastically. 


"I know what it stands for. What's it doing here?! Isn't it like one of those robots who takes people's jobs and puts them out of work?" 

"I don't think so." York says thoughtfully. The soldier moving crates looks over at the Freelancers and 479er. 

"What are you looking at?! I said put it over there, pay attention!" She says pointing. The soldier groans before moving it in the direction she ordered.

"Hey guys, get a move on." Carolina orders. 

"Hang on a minute. You. Green guy. Do you know how to fly a plane?" 

Delta shakes his head. "No, I do not." 

"Huh, right. We're cool then. Everybody on board!" 479er motions for them to enter the Pelican. The soldiers grunts in annoyance as he's moving around the crate.

"Not over there, over there! Just quit screwin' around and put that thing back where you found it." 479er says before entering her ship. The soldier slams his head onto the crate. "This is Four Seven Niner. We are wheels up and engines hot. Leave a light on for us, Command." 

"Roger that, Four Seven Niner. Good luck." Command responds. 

"Thanks, Command. Four Seven Niner out. Man, I would hate to have that guy's job." 479er starts the Pelican and they jettison from the hanger bay. 


Zone was punched in the face and fell to the ground. Headcase cracked his knuckles as walked up and turned Zone so he was lying on his back. "You probably have to be the most stubborn prisoner we've ever interrogated." 

"Probably <pant> want to <pant> change your methods." Zone says exhausted. Headcase then kicked Zone in the stomach, making him cough blood. 

"Boss, CT says you and her need to get a move on." Rambo says on the comms. 

"Tell her I'm coming." Headcase then dragged Zone till they came to where they had had him cuffed originally and activated them, pulling him up. Zone let his head fall forward. Headcase lifts his head up and makes him look into his visor. 

"Once we're finished getting the information we need, I'll kill you myself." Headcase then pulls out a knife and slashes Zone's left eye. Zone yelled in agony as the blood from his eye spills to the floor. Headcase then exits the room. Zone looks up and watches him leave. 

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