Greenish-Blue With Envy

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Carolina enters the locker room and throws her helmet. She sees Maine and Wyoming cleaning they're weapons. 

"Dang it!" Wyoming, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Carolina's temper again, gets up and leaves. Sigma appears next to her shoulder. 

"Did the training session go poorly, Agent Carolina?" 

"No, it went fine, just not good enough." She says sitting down. 

"That is most unusual for you." 

"Why does she even have a locker in here if she doesn't use our locker room? And what is so special about her?" She asks angrily. 

"She does seem to get special treatment, doesn't she? Strange, considering she's not the best Freelancer." 

Gamma appears on Carolina's other shoulder. "It's probably because of Omega." 

"Now Gamma, we're not meant to speak about Omega. You know the rules." Sigma reminds the aqua AI. 

"Well hello Gamma. Does Wyoming know you're talking to another AI?" Carolina asks him. 

"I am not talking to another AI. We are both talking to you." He clarifies. 

"Who is Omega?" 

"He is one of our brothers." Sigma tells her. 

"He is the strongest of us." Gamma adds. 

"And Agent Texas has him? She uses an AI?" Carolina says in realization getting up. 

"Hmm, I don't think it's our place to say." 

"All the top Agents have an AI." 

"Well, except you, Agent Carolina. You chose not to." 

"That lying-! This all makes sense now. I have been an idiot. She's not better than me, it's all been Omega." 

"Omega's strength is unmatched. I don't know if anyone could beat him. At least, not alone." Gamma states. 

"Hmm, no. Not alone. We are just fragments, after all. Pieces. Omega and Texas... are something else." Sigma says clasping his hands behind his back. 

"But if we work together..." 

"Together. What an interesting concept, Gamma." 

"You've just given me an idea." Carolina says smirking. 

"I do hope you'll use it well, Agent Carolina. Ideas are some of our most potent weapons." Sigma replies. 

"Don't worry about me; I'll be fine." Carolina then leaves the locker room. 

"Yes, I'm sure you will be." In the training room, the Director, Counselor Price, and Texas are all talking. 

"How do you feel?" Counselor Price asks Tex. 

"I need to get back into the fight. These targets just aren't doing it for me." 

"You'll be back in the field soon enough, Texas. For now, just focus on your training." 

"I'm tired of training. I need something, else." 

"Have you noticed a change in your aggression, Agent Texas?" 

"I don't see how that-" Suddenly a loud thud I see heard and the trio turns to see the guard at the door was knocked out and slides at their feet. Carolina then approaches them. 

"Carolina. What are you doing here?" The Director asks.  "The training room is off limits when we-" 

"When you're with your pet? Yes, I know. I don't care. I need to talk to you." 

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