What's The "I" Stand For?

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Zone was sitting in the medical bay still with no armor, the medics had finished treating him and he'd finally been able to take off all the bandages. The scar that Headcase had given him across his eye had healed but it was still visible and he'd never be able to see out of it again. He had on one of his gauntlets and was working on his holo-screen. Xi then appeared sitting criss-cross on his shoulder. 

"Whatcha working on?" She asked. Zone continued working. He couldn't get over why CT was so fixed on trying to tell us why the Director had broken major laws. But what laws? He was currently digging through files as to what the Director had done. Then the Director himself walks in with his arms behind his back. Zone immediately deactivates his screen and looks up at him. 

"Agent, good to see you're getting up to full capacity." He then looks at Xi. "And I see you've met your personal AI."  Zone nods as he looks at Xi. 

"Yes sir! Me and Zone here are practically BFFs!" Zone rolls his eyes as he looks back the Director. 

"When your at 100% we will be having a meeting in the conference room. I would advise that you come." The Director says. Zone nods once more. The Director smiles at him before leaving the room. Zone grabbed his gauntlet and went back to work. 

"OOOOO! Are we doing secret spy stuff? Looking for classified info Double-0-Xi is reporting for duty!" Xi says saluting. 

~Xi remember...no one can know, at least until the right time comes. Got it?~ 

"Oui, Mon Capítan!" Zone smiles and continues his search. 


After Zone had fully healed, he received his synthesizer back. Unfortunately it had taken damage and now it was stuck on his intimidation voice. He went to the conference room where all the Freelancers sat helmetless and Delta, Theta, Sigma, and Wyoming's newly acquired AI Gamma were all online. Zone sat next Carolina as they smiled at one another. Xi then appeared and stood next to Zone, after a long speech from the Director he begins to finish. 

"Of course our AI units are what we call fragments, so there's very little chance that a personality subroutine can run off unchecked." 

"Are there any questions?" Counselor Price asks. 

"Yeah, I got a question. Why do we need to learn all this stuff?" South says annoyed. 

"AI theory is like vehicle mantainence, South. If we're going to use this equipment, any equipment, we need to know how to care for it." Carolina explains. 

"Oh yeah, Like a coffee maker or a vacuum cleaner." 

"That was rather rude." Delta states. 

"Yeah that was mean!" Xi agrees. 

"Oh, cry me a river, lightbulbs." 

"No, not the same as that." Carolina clarifies. 

"I don't even have one because someone didn't bring enough to share, so why am I sitting through this elementary classroom bull crap?" 

[Maybe if you canned it and listen for once South, you might learn something.] Zone replies. South immediately and glares at him. 

"Plus, I don't have one either, South." Carolina reminds her. 

"That's only because you gave Sigma to Maine." York clarifies. 

"He needed to be able to communicate after his injury." 

"Oh yeah. That's the only reason you did it. You're a real hero, Carolina. It's not like Maine has much to say anyway. And neither did Zone because he couldn't speak until he got his dumb voice synthesizer. I mean it's a wonder why you're not a freakin' automaton." 

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