A Date with Death

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The story begins in a park at night near the Champs élysées

A young woman by the name of Mylene Haprele was walking with her crush Ivan Bruel

"I had a wonderful time, Ivan." Mylene nuzzled her cheek against her crush's strong muscular arm as she continued holding his hand.

Ivan smiled, he knew that the amusement park slash flash mob would excite her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I saw that on the school boards and I thought of you," he said as he pulled her closer. Given the chill of the air he provided her some warmth as well.

This was the night he and Mylene would be able to enjoy their date for once. The past few dates were either interrupted by Akuma attacks or Kim and Alix barging in on them. When they were enjoying dinner, Alix scrounged half the meal off of both of their plates. Or when they were watching a movie, Kim would reveal the whole plot.

Honestly, he did like them, but when he and Mylene were on a date they wanted to be left alone. But tonight was different. Kim was busy studying English and Alix had the flu for the past few days. Plus, there hadn't been any Akuma attacks in months.

Nothing could ruin this now. Ivan leaned in for a kiss from Mylene to which she reciprocated.

Just then they heard rustling.

They looked up from their kiss and looked around. Just the wind and nothing more. They shrugged, "Probably just a dog," Ivan said as returned to the kiss he initiated. If anything, it was a dog or some lovers having sex in the bushes. It was nothing to get worked up over, albeit if it was the latter in the bushes it would've ruin the date on the spot. But there was no moaning so hopefully it was only the former. He had to remind himself of this though.

As he continued to kiss Mylene, the rustling continued but this time it was followed by footsteps. At first Ivan and Mylene ignored them and continued to make out. But the sound got closer and closer. Ivan stopped and looked at the direction the footsteps were coming from.

Underneath the streetlight stood a figure that was no bigger than the students at their school, he was well dressed and had a youthful face like their classmates, yet he had a look of contempt on his face. His hair neatly styled he looked an awful lot like their best friend, Adrien Agreste. However, it couldn't be him as Adrien himself said that he did not like formal/casual attire. However, here was this person in all formal/casual clothes. A person who looked a lot like Adrien, yet wasn't?

But, the thing that caught his eye the most was a hunting knife clutched in the look a likes hand. And then he moved in.

Ivan's protective instinct kicked in, with a low growl he stood before Mylene "Hey get out of here. I'm calling the cops!" Ivan warned to try to scare the possible mugger. The person didn't stop and just moved in closer but this time quickened his pace.

"HEY!?! Did you hear what I said? I SAID GET OUT OF HERE!" Ivan said holding a frightened Mylene closer. But now, even he was starting to get scared. The person was not stopping his egress toward the couple. "I'M WARNING YOU!" Ivan shouted just as the knife went into his chest.

Choking, Ivan struggled not to let out a violent cough, not wanting to have blood in his lungs and throat. How the hell was the dagger able to cut through his thick skin and muscle so effectively?! Ivan choked helplessly as blood from his now punctured aorta filled his bronchial and lung pathways choking them with the sanguine liquid until he no longer moved.

Mylene screamed in terror her boyfriend, dead before her and the figure was now setting his eyes on her.

And then she saw the face up close.

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