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"Awh~" Seokjin cooed as he took another picture, this time of a stunned Jungkook, then held the phone in front of Namjoon. "Joon just look at that. Isn't it adorable."

"H-hyung" Jungkook stuttered as he leaned over the table to try and see what the picture looked like. However Seokjin only tilted the phone up. "W-why did you take a photo?"

"Of kook?" Taehyung questioned, perking up a little. "Can I see?"

The younger looked over his shoulder to Taehyung, mouth open as though he was about to say something, but nothing came out. Seokjins reply turned his attention away once again.

"Sure" he said and stretched his arm out to Taehyung, Jungkook immediately leaning over the boys shoulder as he took the phone.

Jungkook stayed quiet as he silently watched Taehyung expression as he examined the photo in from too him. In the first photo, Jungkook was gazing at Taehyung with starry eyes as the boy wrote notes. The younger felt like he could curl up into a corner, the picture was so embarrassing and he didn't know what his best friend would think of it.

"Hyung, delete this" Jungkook said after he simply couldn't take the silence anymore.

"No, save it"  everyone looked to Taehyung who swiped to the next photo, not taking his eyes off.  He slid Seokjins phone back to him, his lips curled up into half a smirk. "Send them to me"

"B-but—" Jungkook pouted. He looked over to Namjoon for help, who just shrugged.
"I don't look good in those..."

"You always look good"

"See? Listen to Taehyung"

"Jin, you're making him go red stop it"

"That's not me! That's Taehyungs fault"



Their friends had gone home, which meant it was just Taehyung and Jungkook on their own. It wasn't awkward, but it was just quiet. Taehyung still wasn't really talking and he definitely wasn't fidgeting like he usually did, especially at time alike this when he was supposed to be working but really didn't want to. But in this case Taehyung was just getting on with the work, no complaining, no whining, nothing. Very unlike him.

Jungkook had to act and make up for rejecting him the other day.

"I'm just gonna get another textbook" Jungkook mumbled as he stood up and began to walk until he stood behind his best friends back, where he stopped. He peaked around to make sure Taehyung wasn't looking. Then checked around the rest of the room— not many students were in today, good.

Jungkook turned on his heels as quietly as he could and slowly stepped towards Taehyung. By that time, Taehyung had stopped writing, making the younger panic. So, with a deep breath and little thought, Jungkook wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulder and squeezed him gently.

He stood their for a while, longer than he had intended to actually. But what surprised Jungkook was when Taehyung suddenly stood up, almost knocking the younger over. Jungkook brought his hands back to himself and he'd them to his chest, worried that he might be even more annoyed.

Then Taehyung spun round, showing his bright smile before launching onto Jungkook.  He hugged him even tighter, practically squeezing all the air out of Jungkook until he had to repeatedly tap Taehyungs shoulder to tell home to let go.

When he did let go, and Jungkook had refilled his lungs with oxygen, he smiled to his best friend that he had missed so much.

"I thought you'd never want me again!" Taehyung exclaimed as he cupped Jungkooks flaming cheeks. "I thought you finally thought I was annoying! Unless you've been lying to me this whole time and still think I a–"

"No!" Jungkook interrupted, blushing. "I mean
No, I could never think you're annoying Tae"

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the youngers neck once more and swayed as he rested his chin on Jungkooks shoulder.

After hesitating, Jungkook awkwardly rested his hands on Taehyungs waist. It was a daring move for him but the boy didn't seem to mind so he thought maybe it was a good idea after all.

When Taehyung pulled away, he looked at Jungkooks with his big sparkling eyes and said

"When can we leave? I'm so bored"

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