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The lesson after lunch had just started and Jungkook walked quietly into their classroom behind the footsteps of Taehyung. Usually Taehyung would have his arms wrapped around him as he bounced into the classroom but due to the little problem the two were having, hey weren't even walking side by side. All Jungkook could do was stare at the back of the boys head.


The one word Jungkook had in his head right now.

He was building up non existent confidence to hug Taehyung, but he didn't know when to do it. It had to be the perfect timing, otherwise Jungkoook would just make it look awkward, the total opposite of taehyung.

Everyone sat in their seats and waited for the teacher to arrive. Jungkook rested his chin on his palm and let out a sigh, occasionally stealing glances to Taehyung who sat kicking his legs.

This silence must be killing him

When the teacher arrived she announced that she will be in and out frequently as she had lots of things to deal with but today's task was just to continue with group presentations.

"Oh.." Jungkook said under his breath after hearing those words. He looked to his right to see Taehyung twiddling with his pen. The class president got up and began handing out text books along each row or students as they began moving their desks closer to their partners. Taehyung didn't move.

So Jungkook shuffled over to the boy, pulling his desk over as he did so until their tables touched. Taehyung continued to play around with his pen until a textbook was given to them. "So," Jungkook started, worried that they'd spend the whole lesson in silence. "What was our topic?"

Taehyung stopped to think and tilted his head up in the air for a second before he shrugged. "I don't know, I wasn't listening" he said, laughing a little at himself.

"Good job I wrote it down"

With that Taehyung finally faced him. "Why did you ask me then?"

"Because I just.. wanted you to talk to me" Jungkook shyly admitted. It hadn't even been a full day but he missed Taehyung so much. He was with him at this very moment, but somehow Jungkook still missed him.

"Oh" was all Taehyung said as he blinked a number of times before turning away.


At the end of the day, Jimin suggested staying after school to work on the presentation in the library as he didn't want to do it alone, and certainly didn't want to invite his partner around his house. When everyone apart from Taehyung and Jungkook had agreed, the two gave each other a quick glance before saying yes and following their friends down to the Library.

Jimins partner claimed he had other things to do and left, but in all honesty Jimin didn't care, he knew the boy wasn't going to help and would much rather just do it himself anyway. At least he could do it with his friends.

For this presentation they had to make a poster of their topic and present it to the class, telling the rest of the students other knowledge they learn from researching about it. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin enjoyed the poster side of it very much as they loved to design and draw. However the rest of their friends struggled and often had to ask the younger boys for advice. Jimin sat with Yoongi and Hoseok and helped them as he did his own, and Jungkook and Taehyung sat opposite Namjoon and Seokjin.

"I wish I was paired with Jimin" Yoongi huffed.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?" Hoseok whined as the others laughed, Jimin blushing slightly.

"He's good at drawing, you're not."

"Drawing isn't everything! And I'm not that bad!"

"We've had to restart five times thanks to you I think that explains it enough"

"At least I'm better than Jin hyung"

"Come here and say that, I'll smack you" Seokjin muttered as he finished drawing a border for the poster.
Hoseok just laughed and hid behind Yoongi.

After Jungkook had stopped laughing at his friends, he looked back to Taehyung who was still taking notes from the textbook, working hard with an adorable concentrating face. Taehyung was and always had been a beauty. Ever since Jungkook was a small kid he had been captivated by The boy and his amazing looks. Then when he got the most wonderful pleasure of becoming Taehyungs friend, jungkook realised he was so much more than just a pretty face. Taehyung had the heart of gold. One giant slab of gold. The best of its kind.

When Jungkook heard the sound of a camera shutter, he snapped out of his daze

and saw Seokjin holding his phone in his hand, admiring something on his phone.

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