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"Taehyung what are you doing?" Seokjin asks as the said boy walks back and forth down the classroom with his arms crossed.

"I'm thinking" he says.

"Oh my god" Hoseok gasped. "He's thinking. That's a first!"

Seokjin slapped Hoseok on the head with a text book before turning back to Taehyung.

"Thinking about what?"

"I bet it's about the letter from his secret admirer" Namjoon said as he scribbled down numbers on his maths homework sheet.

Jungkook sat there in silence, pretending to be too engaged in his nails. When he looked up, curious to what Taehyung reaction is, Jungkook was more than surprised to see a smile slowly form on the boy's lips.

This made Jungkook frown— would he wear the same smile if he knew it was me? He asked himself.

"I think whoever wrote it comes from this class" Taehyung announced as he came to a halt. 

"And what makes you say that Sherlock Holmes?"

"I just have a feeling"

Everyone rolls their eyes at Taehyung comment. "So you're just guessing?" Yoongi said. "Wow you're making a great job of this investigation Tae"

"I'll find out for sure" Taehyung said proudly "just you wait!"

"We definitely will" Hoseok laughed. "Tell us when you find out who it is"

Taehyung smirked and walked around his group of friends until he got to Jungkook. He leant down, resting his arms on the back of Jungkooks chair.

"What's that smirk for?" Seokjin asked

"nothing" The boy shook his head, running his hands through jungkooks hair once. "Just excited about solving the mystery"


Taehyung kicked him gently from under the lunch table. Jungkook looked up through his hair that hung over his forehead and saw the older grinning with his mouth full of food. Jungkook kicked him back before continuing with his food, he didn't feel like playing around today. Taehyung then leaned over and put an extra piece of meat onto his plate.

"ah seriously" Hoseok huffed as he watched. "tae why do you need to find this secret lover when you have Jungkook?"

Jungkook, who had just put a spoonful into his mouth, began to choke. Everyone looked up and stared at him as Jungkook repeatedly hit his chest. Tears even appeared in his eyes after he coughed so much.

"why would you say something like that?" Namjoon laughed, hitting Hoseok on the arm.

"h-hyung" Jungkook said inbetween coughs.

With a chuckle, Taehyung handed Jungkook a tissue that he fished out his bag.  He didn't say anything  to Hoseok, he didn't defend himself.

isnt he going to say something?

Jungkook embarrassedly took the tissue and wiped his eyes quickly before putting it down on the table.

"its true though" Hoseok continued after the youngest had stopped coughing– that didnt mean he had calmed down though. His heart rate was picking up the speed and he felt like he should be sitting in a sauner.

He repeatedly told himself to act natural and keep calm as Hoseok carried on. "taehyung is always babying Jungkook"

"theres nothing wrong with that," Seokjin defended. "he is a baby"

"hyung!" Jungkook whined.

"hes my baby" Taehyung added, attracting everyones attention. Even Yoongi began to cough on his food.

Jungkook stared dead into Taehyungs eyes, neither of them breaking eye contact, except one had a bright red face and the other was simply smiling.

The table dropped silent, Taehyung just laughed. "just kidding"

Jimin was the first one to speak saying "you shouldn't say things like that" as he slapped Taehyung on the arm forcefully. The boy fliched and frowned at him.

Jungkook wished he could kick him right now,

but it wouldnt be soft.

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