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Jungkook frowned for just about the rest of the time he spent cleaning. He stood at the window, wiping the glass before dusting the windowsill, and may I add very unenthusiastically so. Ever so often he word look over his shoulder to see Taehyung cleaning the table or wiping the floor with a mop, looking hard at work.

I could have told him

Was what went through his mind every time he looked at the boy.

You're an idiot Jungkook, he said to himself.

Jungkook glances around to see if they were alone—correct his mother wasn't in the room, the doors were shut too. As he slowly cleaned up the last part of the window, Jungkook began to build up sentences to say to Taehyung. Maybe today was still his day.

Taking a slow deep breath, the younger spun around on his heels. "Tae, I have s—"

The reason he stopped so suddenly  was because Taehyung happened to be right behind him. "Why are you so close...?" He asked cautiously instead.

A smile grew on the boys lips. "I was coming to give you a surprise hug" he said with a hint of shyness.

Focus, Jungkook told himself when he almost got distracted over how cute Taehyung was.

"O-ok, anyway.." he said, feeling his breath begin to shake. Come on, you can do this.

"Anyway what?" Taehyung said confusedly, noticing how long Jungkook was taking to get his sentences out.

"I have to tell you something..." Jungkook tried so hard to stop his voice from cracking and tried his very hardest to level his breathing. His heart was going mental, pounding through his chest, and suddenly he felt like he was burning from the inside.

I can't do this

"Tell me what?" Taehyungs head cocked to the side and his eyebrows were raised. "Are you ok kookie?"

"I-I....u-um" he stammered.

Taehyung chuckled slightly before opening his arms and began to lean closer as though he was about to Hug Jungkook "kook, don't wo—" he started but before he could even finish, Jungkook raises his hand up to the older chest, stoping him from coming any closer. Taehyung simple blinks, looking at Jungkooks hand before back to the boys face, smile no longer there.

Jungkook never rejected his hugs. That was a fact. So why did he then?
Truth is, Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to feel how nervous he was, how his heartbeat was pumping fast and irregularly, how shaky he was. Of course, if you're thinking that wouldn't matter, because Taehyung is his best friend after all, that's true. But Jungkook simply wasn't in the mood for letting his best friend see how nervous and weak he was. He wasn't in the mood full stop. All Jungkook wanted to do was tell Taehyung his feelings but it was too damn hard!

Taehyung dropped his arms before Jungkook took back his hand. Taehyung looked to the floor as he continued to stay quiet and all Jungkook could think was oh god.

The younger suddenly felt guilty, he'd never done this before so of course Taehyung would be sad that he didn't want a hug. "Tae, im sorry" he said instantly "I panicked"

Taehyung lifted his head and opened his mouth about to say something, probably to ask "why?", however he was cut off by Jungkooks mother before he could even speak. She walked into the room clasping her hands together. "You boys finished?" She beamed.

"Yeah" Jungkook replied without hesitation —actually he wasn't sure at all that they had finished, he just wanted to get out of this situation and continue as normal.

"Well then, anyone want some jelly?"


"Why did Taehyung leave so soon?" Jungkooks mother asked as she prepared pudding for the next day. "He didn't even want any jelly. Very unusual of him"

Jungkook sat at the table with his head on his hand , sulking about the way the night ended. He was too caught up in thought that he didn't even hear his mother. "Jungkook?"

"What?" He said with a pout, not bothering to face her.

"I said why did Taehyung leave so soon? Is he okay?"
Jungkook shrugged
"Did something happen between the two of you?"

Her son huffed and stood from his seat "nothing. You wouldn't understand" he said before he pushed in his chair and trudged out of the room and up to his bedroom.

They didn't even start the presentation.

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