Chapter 41 - The true event with the evil girl

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The argument that changed everything, part 2 (the cheating-night at the club)

- A throwback to Chapter 37:


Stumbling into the car, I angrily threw my sunglasses in the backseat. I scoffed quietly to myself, the blood boiling inside of me as I continuously threw glances in the rearview to make sure Jessica wasn't following me. I didn't need her to think she could do whatever she wanted around me, I didn't need her to think she could control me by following me whenever I leave.

"Fucking bitch," I mumbled underneath my breath, thinking of the way she refused to give in whenever we had an argument. What the fuck was her problem? I was clearly in the right, it's not any of my business to have a need to listen to her talking about having sex with someone else.

It's just not my fucking interest to listen to, what was her problem not understanding that shit?

My foot automatically pressed the gas pedal further down, the car speeding up to the point where I was probably going to lose my driver license if I got caught by the police. The recklessness inside of me was way too big to ignore anyway, I felt like I could do anything. Anything that would truly hurt Jessica so that she would know what it felt like to be in my position. 

I knew I wasn't going to stay mad at her for very long and it didn't bother me to know that. I was waiting for my rage to be over so that I could return back home, go to bed with her by my side and forget this whole thing ever happened. Forget that Lucas and she ever happened. 

Jessica reminding me about them, constantly, was what was bothering me and I needed for her to understand that it's not in my interest to know about but I also knew she wasn't going to stop talking about him. He's her best friend, I get it, but it's dumb enough that she doesn't understand my side of it.

"Jesus," I whispered to myself as I heard a loud honk interrupt my silence. I instantly sped down and my car was moving much slower now. It gave me the chance to look around and once I saw a sign with some nightclub type of shit, I parked outside, stared at the entrance and thought out loud to myself, "What's the harm with a few drinks to calm myself down, before I go back home?"

The club was so crowded with people that the security guards working barely let me in. It didn't faze me. It would've probably been for the best if they rejected me, knowing I wasn't always the best human when drinking but fortunately, they let me in. Or unfortunately, it depends on how you view it. I snickered to myself when I stepped inside, the music blasting among the sweaty people acting like animals on the dance floor.

I laughed softly when I saw people being completely gone, thinking they look sexy while dancing on top of each other. Grinding against each other, thinking they're turning on the other person. To be completely fair, they probably are, these people seem to not know any self-respect and everyone in this building is too drunk to even notice what people look like. I didn't want to be like them but I still ended up at the counter, ordering a few tequila shots for myself.

I felt a pair of eyes on me but looking around, I saw no one that was barely interested in looking my way. People were too busy dancing, sweating and making themselves look like fools. The feeling didn't disappear even though I tried to convince myself that no one had noticed me yet. I was certain that no one in here knew me, these people weren't the type of people to own huge businesses and be in the industry that I was... So, really, what was I doing here?

"Hello," I jumped at the unfamiliar female voice, seeing a figure with blonde hair sit down next to me, her eyes beaming at the sight of me. She had her hair wrapped in a ponytail that reminded me of Jessica, she loved to tie up her hair in the exact same way as this woman, "What are you doing here all alone? Something wrong with the dancefloor?"

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