Chapter 22 - Wrong temptations

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I stared at him for a good minute, seeing his eyes worriedly search for a response in mine. He was biting his lip, fumbling with his hands and nervously looking around to see if someone else were near us. We were still alone, standing in my doorframe. My heart had stopped beating but I could hear Justin's pounding loudly against his chest. His hands reached out to touch mine but I took a step back.


"I know it's crazy," Justin was quick to defend himself, his eyes desperate to get in touch with mine, "I seriously mean it, though, I am so in love with you. You've made me feel this way and I've only known you for such short amount of time.

I shook my head, trying to hide the smile that wanted to show through, "You're insane."

"I'm insanely crazy about you."

Once again, I had to stop to take a deep breath and try to overlook the extreme cheesiness that was going on with him. I had never heard him say such romantic things and it surprised me that he even had a side like that in him. Justin was always so cold and expressed himself with words that sounded so professional, all of a sudden he's telling me how he loves me.

"Are you going to forgive me?" The man himself interrupted my thoughts and I tried to think of a quick response but I came up with nothing. I really didn't know. I was certain that he had never meant for any of this to happen and I knew he meant what he was saying but my trust was completely broken with him. He noticed my uneasiness and instantly tried to regain the attention, "Tell me what I can do to make this better between us."

"There's nothing to do-"

"Nonsense," Instantly, he shook his head and refused to believe what I was saying. I could tell he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince me that there were other options for this to go. Somehow, I think he knew when he came here in the first place that he would leave emptyhanded. I admired him for having a little bit of hope (and pride) left, "There must be something."

"I don't trust you anymore," I shrugged, seeing his shoulders sink down as he released all the tension that he had previously hold onto in his body. I felt bad, ditching him like this but I didn't feel like I had any other options, "I'm really sorry."

Justin nodded and as stupid as I felt, I closed the door. Ironically, it felt like I closed the door to our era and that suddenly we were no longer an item. I didn't just close a regular door, I closed us. It was the proof to him that I really was not up for it anymore. It was over and now he knew it for sure, too.

"What did he say?" Lucas appeared from behind and I felt his hand go around my stomach which made me wince. He hummed an apology and removed his hand, moving it to my hips instead until he turned me around so I could look him in the eyes, "If you don't mind me asking?"

I took a deep breath as Justin's words repeated themselves in my mind, "He told me that he loved me."

"And you said?"

"I told him no."

Lucas nodded, the disappointment was written all over his face but I didn't care about his opinion on this. I thought he was crazy for still supporting Justin and mine's relationship but I obviously understood his point too, he had a point in saying that I should give the guy a chance but there was just no part in me that felt like I could forgive what he did.

He didn't say anything after that, simply just pulled me in for a hug and that's when I broke out in tears again. All of the emotions kept coming out of me and I hated myself for being this way and not being able to keep myself emotionally steady. It wasn't fair but with Justin's speech and everything he said, I couldn't help myself. I was filled with pain and hurt.

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