Chapter 36 - The surprise visitor & the joke

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Slowly opening my eyes, I felt an extra weight on my tummy which was growing heavier for each second. I panicked slightly, thinking that it was something wrong with my child but once I could fully see what was going on; my instant reaction was to just smile widely.

Justin was hovering over my belly, his hands placed on top of it while he spoke softly to our child that was growing inside of me, "How's my little baby doing?" I reached out and placed my hand in his hair, soothing his forehead which caused him to quickly turn his head around and look at me. He then continued to whisper onto the skin of my stomach, "Shoot, we woke up mommy."

I had never seen him being careful about cursing. It was part of his daily routine in talking. Justin cursed on a daily basis, never really thinking about what he's saying but lately, with the baby in my stomach, he's been so cautious about how he's speaking. I don't personally believe that the baby can hear him, especially not while being as young as it is, but it was strange to see him acting so sweet. It's like he's turned into a whole another person. All of a sudden his previous rage and anger was like vanished and all he cared about now was to make sure everyone around him was being properly taken cared of. I wasn't complaining about his personality change, I personally found it great that he cared enough to change, but I wasn't really used to it.

Then again, this is what I wanted and this is what I told him to do if he wanted to keep me and our baby in his life. I guess it really got through to him, seeing this enormous change in him. I was proud, something that I didn't think I'd ever really say.

"How long have you been awake?" I mumbled, continuing to drag my hand on his forehead in order to move away the hair that was growing thicker and longer for every day that passed. I loved his slightly longer hair, it was really beginning to grow on me. He looked gorgeous, especially in this lightning with the sun settling in-between the curtains.

"Not that long," he replied with a raspy morning voice that caused my entire body to suddenly feel heated up, a fire entering without any warning signals and soon enough I hated that it would feel like a sin to have pregnant sex, "maybe half an hour."

His hand was still on my stomach, caressing softly back and forth and all I could feel was happiness. I watched Justin's head lean in and I was going to protest, not wanting him to lean his head on my fragile baby bump but once I realised what he was doing my heart almost melted instead. I could feel his lips press gently against my skin, repeatedly kissing the slight weight that I had gained ever since I knew I was pregnant. It had become more and more visible the past few days and I knew that if I went outside now, people would notice I was pregnant.

Which is one of the reasons to why I had stayed inside the past few days. I don't think my confidence is really the best now that I was beginning to get fat. I wasn't used to my body looking this way. In panic, last night, I had searched around and looked for women who had a bit more weight to see how they pulled things off and I could see that so many people (both pregnant and not pregnant) really knew how to dress after their figure yet I felt completely useless wearing anything when pregnant. I couldn't understand how so many other women knew exactly what to do and how to pull their weight off but I couldn't?

Obviously Justin told me on a daily basis that it wasn't anything to worry about and that I will look stunning when pregnant but I knew it was a lie. He was going to complain about it later and I was terrified that he would leave me for a thinner model. Although I knew I was just being paranoid, extremely paranoid. He wouldn't do that, I had convinced myself somewhat that it was just my pregnant mind playing tricks on me.

I was being a bit extra hormonal but that was normal, the doctors had assured me that I had nothing to worry about and that my mind definitely was going to bring up things I normally wouldn't worry about.

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