Chapter 2 - About time

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When I entered this building this morning, seeing all these people with headsets and stressed faces, I never thought that I would sympathise with them. These people weren't just looking stressed because of no reason, I had just learnt from a guy named Alex that each person in this building that had a headset around their head (which also were people that worked in the living area which I had learnt were all the assistants and service phone lines were sitting) took about two hundred calls a day.

How is that even possible? If I had two hundred people calling me every single day, I would be jumping off a bridge right now. I can't even imagine having to deal with that many people. Alex also taught me that when you needed a lawyer from this business, apparently this is the most expensive attorney you could possibly hire in the entire US, you had to call a number first. That's when all these stressed-face people come in. They take your call and the outside information about your case before they connect people further with a suiting lawyer.

Which is why I had gotten so many emails on my first day, all those emails contained special cases that were being channelled to me through these headset people. They wanted me to look at each case and decide which ones I want to work with in the upcoming near future. There were a lot of emails and a lot of cases to go through.

Obviously, I wanted to work with them all. Helping women in need at their workplace was such a special thing for me and I couldn't just leave someone out, all these girls needed my help and having two hundred cases were obviously not going to help.

"I don't know what to choose," I groaned loudly, seeing Alex lean against my glass window whilst half sitting on the desk. I searched through the emails quickly a few more times, looking at the numbers I had saved. I was trying to pick out the worst case scenarios where women had been actually beaten and raped in their own working space, "So many women needing my help, so many cases to go through and so little time."

"You'll figure something out," He shrugged, leaning over my shoulder to stare at the laptop screen in front of me. I saw his reflection on the screen, seeing his face crumbled together as he looked with disgust at my emails, "These are awful. How can you have the heart to work with these cases, it's really brave of you."

"What do you mean?" I tried to not look too unamused by his comment meanwhilst I felt my eyes squint together.

Alex chuckled quietly, "I mean that if I were you, reading about all these women experiences and then having to actually say no to a few must hurt."

"Don't remind me."

I groaned again, knowing he had now gotten my frustration and could relate more to my situation. I tried to make him help me choose my first case but he told me it was better for me to choose by myself since he had no knowledge of the subject. He didn't know what was worse than the other which to me was so obvious. Anytime he opened his mouth to tell me which case he found the most interesting, I thought different. I was the most interested in physical sexual assaults meanwhilst he seemed the most interested in cases that were orally sexually harassment.

Alex suddenly cracked a joke which, despite all of the disgusting emails I had read today about peoples miserable job situations, made me laugh. I needed that, I needed more jokes to be cracked since I don't think I had laughed anytime throughout this entire day. But before he could say anything else, probably try and fill up his jokes with even funnier words, we were interrupted by a familiar voice that I had heard this morning.

"What do you think you two are doing?"

I swallowed harshly as Justin's voice filled the room, an echo appearing afterwards due to the loneliness of my furniture. I really did have to fill this room up slightly more. His tone was serious and it almost scared me slightly. I wasn't the only one who seemed frightened as Alex immediately shot up and looked as if he had just met with the military.

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