Chapter 23 - Surprises with surprises

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Stepping into the ground floor of the glass building was terrifying. I had my reason for coming back here but for each look that I was given, by all the workers being surprised I had the nerves to come back, I started to regret my decision.

My mind had decided for me that I was going to pick up on the job offer in Atlanta. At first, it seemed like a tough decision since I thought my entire life was going to be centred here but then I realised that the only thing really keeping me back was Lucas. He was my only friend but now that we had seen each other naked for the second time, we had both woken up a little bit awkward and confused. So honestly, the thought of moving away wasn't as bad anymore.

I was officially going to quit my job since Justin ruined my career, I really had nothing else to lose. Which became my final decision and I was going to call them later to inform how much I wanted the job.

It was a job that would still make me a lawyer and anything like that wasn't worth to pass up on. I had to rebuild all my contacts and that was the perfect way to do it, a fresh new start in a new city with new people and new cases. I couldn't ask for a better offer than that.

Lucas was sad when I told him the news this morning but since he's the most amazing friend on planet earth (and probably a bit shook by last night), he was fully supportive of my decision and understood exactly why I felt the need to move. We had a slight discussion about it this morning but it was quite short and very painful but in the end, he did support my decision in leaving and offered to help me with anything I needed which I was thankful for.

After last night, we had both agreed on ignoring the fact that it happened because apparently ignoring the situation seemed like a much more brilliant idea than to talk it out.

Standing in the elevator was painful, it was like waiting for hell to burst. I knew that people were going to take double takes when I stepped inside the hallway of the offices and I knew that I was going to bring everyone's attention on me but I had to get this done. I needed my stuff if I wanted to move on to the next page. The next job, my fresh start. I wasn't going to be able to move if I didn't pack up my things to move with me.

Once the elevator door swung open, I shut my eyes in hope for me to be invisible. I heard a cough and the second I opened my eyes again, I noticed a few people standing in front of the elevator, waiting for me to step out. I did. The embarrassment was written all over me as I realised how stupid that must've looked.

I tried to look down, hoping that no one was going to notice me but obviously I was wrong. People whispered as I walked by them and I hurried into my room, closing the door even though it was practically useless since the walls were made out of glass. God, thinking about it, I really hated this office design. I used to think it was sleek and minimalistic but holy fuck is it worthless.

Quickly, I grabbed some old boxers that I had the last time I tried to escape this office (but stupidly enough were stopped by Justin) and began to fill them with all the important stuff I needed with me. All past documents that no one else was allowed to read, I decided that I would just burn them all down in my apartment back home, and all the new documents that were going to be upcoming cases. I took all of it, every little thing I could possibly get my hands on and decided that I could do the rest of the cleaning out at home.

I just wanted to get the stuff and leave, I felt this building actually choking me.

I was focusing so hard on my packing that I didn't realise someone was staring at me from the door. I hadn't even noticed how the door had opened but all of a sudden, he was standing there with an intense gaze, looking me up and down as if it was the first time he had ever laid his eyes on me.

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